This morning, my heart overflowing with happiness and gratitude, I began my day wondering how I might adequately express my gratitude to God. I quickly came back to reality and knew of course that we can only inadequately express anything, especially gratitude, to God. But that’s okay, He is entirely okay with what we give Him, as long as we do indeed give it. 
Following very quickly along those lines were my thoughts and gratitude at all the blessings you Treepers, friends, family, and kind strangers have shared with us. You have come along for the ride with my family sharing our hopes and our fears, reaching out to ease our worry and touch us with kindness. You have shared prayers, reassurance, stories of hope, pictures of loved ones, kind words, and money for medical bills. You have helped take care of Sadie and Mason, mowed grass, cleaned, run errands. You have been at the hospital, some in Chattanooga, some in Nashville, bringing food and comfort to Alex and David, companionship, giving especially Alex time to get out of the room for a cup of coffee or maybe a sandwich.
You have all stopped for a moment the important things you do to care for your own family and helped us in a way we can never repay. We can only take care of Conner, give thanks, and most important of all, share our caring and prayers with everyone else in need. We are overwhelmed with happiness and gratitude. You shared the worry, come along and share in our happiness!
Some of you have even reserved a branch in our Tree for little Conner, and it’s looking like he might be ready to climb up there sooner than we thought. As Stella shared earlier, he is already back in his room this afternoon, a full day earlier than the minimum expectation. Every report has been great. Conner is one tough little boy, and he is being carried along on a great wave of prayer from all across our country, and even at least one foreign country.
Words cannot express what I feel today, so I thought I would share what popped into my head this morning as I pondered what songs of praise I could find and post for you, as my thank you to all and especially to God. I am a control freak, and a fighting the habit worrier. It’s frequently a battle entirely of my own making to fight those tendencies and remember that they often block communication with God. This past few weeks I haven’t had much control, and truly worry was too sapping to survive. I have been not as I usually am is the best I can say. In that time it came as a relief and no surprise that God really does a much better job of running my life than I do, and He does it considerably better without my interference and instructions to Him. Some things just need letting be. It’s pretty awesome to feel the comfort of not having to be in control, and I know I won’t just stop doing it, but I will be better than I was. I will try.
And so, this morning as I walked past the TV where my granddaughter and grandson were watching Mickie Mouse (I also thank God for Walt Disney) I decided I had just been presented with the perfect song of praise and thanksgiving. I sang. I did a dance, I even did a spin and shake or two, quite energetically. I seized the opportunity and gave the most heartfelt thanks I ever have, and God gave me just the right words to do it, and a really catchy tune to guide me. I even had Daisy and Mickey and Donald to show me how to dance. Sadie and Mason were a little shocked but that’s okay. We need a shock now and again.
Hot Dog!
Hot Dog!
Hot Dog, Hot Dog, Hot Diggity Dog
Now, we’ve got ears, it’s time for cheers
Hot Dog, Hot Dog, the problem’s solved…
Hot Dog, Hot Dog, Hot Diggity Dog!
Mickey: What a Hot Dog Day!
Hot Dog, Hot Dog, Hot Diggity Dog
It’s a brand new day, what’cha waitin’ for?
Get up, stretch out, stomp on the floor…
Hot Dog, Hot Dog, Hot Diggity Dog!
