donald trump smirkThey’ve thrown all the traditional ‘dismissal’ plays at him, with no effect.
Perhaps specifically because he holds the ‘nothing-to-lose‘ card much more firmly than those they have opposed in the past.
Or perhaps because the electorate is aware of the Alinsky tactics more than ever. Regardless of reason -as Bill Maher says- he’s like Godzilla:

“Everything they throw at him only makes him stronger”.

You can be assured as you read this there are decades of anger, vitriol and opposition being set aside by Democrat and Republican leadership to come together and find a way to destroy Donald Trump’s advancement upon their power structure.
Opposition researchers digging and diving for anything they can bring to the penthouse suites for collaborative meetings between formerly divergent adversaries.  The players all know the risk, Donald Trump must be stopped at all costs.
The ‘vulgarians’ are onto the tactics, the tripwires exposed, the MSM memes, Park-Row narratives and Madison Avenue optics are not working.  Yet, there must be a way….
You can sense the gears turning, you can hear the distant horns, you can see the visible angst, something, anything, must be done – and quick.
rush-limbaughRush Limbaugh […]  He goes on Meet the Press yesterday and, have to tell you, the establishment is shocked, angry, saddened.  He came off as presidential.  He had a serious immigration plan.  And the key to Trump’s immigration plan is that it almost dovetails exactly with public opinion on immigration.  You know, it’s kind of stunning. We got 16 Republican candidates now, and there’s only one of them — only one — with a unique view or different view on immigration.  It’s Trump. 
It’s obvious that that issue is the foundational issue for Trump, and I think for Trump to blow this he would have to change immigration. He’d have to backtrack, which he’s not gonna do. But I’m just saying, all the other stuff… You know, “Is he conservative/is he liberal?” I still don’t think that people in what we call the establishment (some call it the ruling class) inside-the-Beltway get it.
Both parties, conservative-liberal, Republican-Democrat, I don’t think they have the slightest idea what the vast majority of people in this country think about immigration and what’s happening to the country, and they don’t want any part of it. And of course the establishment is seen as wanting to ramrod their view of immigration down everybody’s throat.  Trump’s the only guy standing up against it, and every Republican that has been elected since 2010 has been elected in part to stop it. 
You know, if just one of these Republican candidates — just one of them — had come out forcefully for America on this immigration business, Trump wouldn’t even exist as a candidate.  Well, he might exist, but he wouldn’t have such a free road in this one issue.  It’s really… When you study this — really not study, when you observe it — it’s amazing.  Sixteen people are running for the presidency, and 15 of them are perceived…
“Perceived.” I know they would argue with this, but 15 of them are perceived to have essentially the same policy on immigration.  One of them is entirely different from the other 15, and he’s the one who’s leading.  Now, don’t you think people inside the Beltway should be able to look at this and put two and two together and figure out what is causing this?  They can chalk it up to celebrity, they can chalk it up to pop culture, they can chalk it up to circus.
But it’s not. It is due to substance and it is due to immigration, and with Trump releasing this comprehensive immigration plan yesterday… You know, all these questions of who’s a real conservative have been obviated here.  Even that question, “Who is that a real conservative?” is up for grabs now.  I’ve got a couple pieces in the Stack of Stuff here today. I think one’s at Town Hall.  I forget where the other one is. They’re conservatives, conservative media, and they just excoriate the inside-the-Beltway so-called conservative establishment. 
[…] Arthur Brooks yesterday is talking about (are you ready for this?) the low-information voters supporting Trump.  I saw that, and I really stopped on a dime and did a double-take.  Look at who they think low-information voters are inside the Beltway! You know, when we talk about “low-information voters” here, what do we mean?  Who do we mean?  We mean mind-numbed Democrat voters.  Mind-numbed, pop culture voters who are brain-dead who are not curious.
Who don’t think, who simply absorb whatever they see presented to them by various mainstream media sources and believe it.  Well, we learn… (interruption)  We learn… I used the term “low-information voter.”  Arthur Brooks… (interruption) No, don’t misunderstand. I’m not getting on anybody for copying that. I’m not that petty.  Low-information voters out there… (interruption) Yes, it’s my concoction. Fine. Everybody’s using it. Cool. 
The point is, look who they think the low-information voters are.  Look who the inside-the-Beltway people think the LIVs are.  You people!  According to Arthur Brooks, you who support Trump are the mind-numbed, uneducated, uninformed low-information voters, and they are confident that you’re gonna see the light at some point.  That’s what I meant about this been a barnburner weekend.  This is a blow-the-top-off-of-it weekend. (read more)

Steady boys…. Fix Bayonets.

fix bayonets 2Tea Party Recon
