Associated Press trailblazing unfathomable discoveries, or something, catches up to the 5 day old story as “breaking news”…. Go figure.

ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — A Florida man charged with shooting at George Zimmerman last week had “a fixation” on the former neighborhood watch leader and had recently been admitted to a mental institution, according to a police report made public Tuesday.
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The Lake Mary Police Department report said that 36-year-old Matthew Apperson had shown signs of paranoia, anxiety and bipolar disorder. Apperson’s attorney, Mark NeJame, didn’t immediately respond to an email seeking comment.
Zimmerman told officers he had been driving in the Orlando suburb of Lake Mary when Apperson got behind his truck and yelled, “You remember me you fat mother f—–?” according to the report.
Apperson then yelled at Zimmerman, “You owe me your life. The only reason I didn’t press charges on you is because I wanted to kill you myself,” Zimmerman told detectives, according to the report. (read more)
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