STOP THE PRESSES !! We’ve got to prioritize… you can almost hear the thunderclap declaration inside Politifact.

Iran? Nuclear Weapons? 150+ Christian students slaughtered in Kenya? Another U.S. woman arrested joining ISIS? Research about not having a federal budget since 2007? ….Nope, none of those things. Something far more important for the Politifact people to focus their attention toward.

“Gov. Scott Walker says he bought a sweater for $1 at Kohl’s”

politifact screengrab

O-M-G !! On March 14th Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker said he and his wife paid $1 for a sweater at Kohls after using their “Kohls bucks”.

But, but, but…. not just any sweater; nope, it’s far more dubious a scheme than that, it’s a “brown sweater”!  Oh the humanity – NOW we’re certain the threshold has been breached.

Sirens Sounding – Alarm Bells Ringing – Planetary Axis’ Shifting. Scott Walker claimed:

We paid one dollar for it with our Kohl’s Cash.”

[fyi – “Kohls cash” is like store rewards money they give you at checkout for use on your next purchase. ex. If you have $9 Kohls cash and something costs $12 you can buy it for $3 out-of-pocket next visit]

Yes America, this is the current state of our leftist media-driven political discourse. As Politifact further outlines:

[…] First, we heard from readers from around the country who thought it was an unbelievable story — as in, literally impossible to believe. Second, it goes to what has been a major theme of Walker’s visits to some of the early primary states — that he is just an average guy….

And so a full investigation is warranted.

Scott Walker 2

Outcome HERE
