This third part of the 3-part series is a “members only” video, so I will do my best to summarize the content for you!
What is your idea of a 2016 dream candidate?  Limit to living candidates.  Cover both parties, if you like.
candidateBill Whittle: I’m liking the recent popularity of Scott Walker because he has proven he can not only win elections against strong headwinds, but he then goes on to perform the actions that lead him to win more elections. He does have to learn to talk to Democrats and convince them to vote for him.
For the Vice-Presidential position, I think we need to address identity politics. Ted Cruz or Bobby Jindal would be great, but I like Nikki Haley which will answer the criticism that Republicans hate women. Another possibility could be Rubio, because of the Hispanic vote. I don’t suggest them because of that alone, but because they are both good choices.
gop_1What I would think would be a good idea, and wonder why nobody has ever done it, is to come out of the convention with an administration, not just the top two candidates. Maybe Cruz for Attorney General, and all good people for the entire administration that would appeal to our base, and to the opposition, so that we would have so many good choices that all they would have on the other side was the Wicked Witch of the West.
hillary as witch3
Steven Green mentions that all of these proposed cabinet candidates could cover the country during the election cycle, and win their own states as well.
Scott Ott: The cabinet in advance would have some bad aspects (opposition research), as well as the good. Guilt by association.  “Do you know what your proposed Secretary of State has done?”
For the Democrats, the closest suggestion I could come up with would be Cory Booker and Julian Castro. Booker has lots of twitter followers, and they both have good stories, which appeals to Democrats.  (Some of the stories aren’t so good, either.)
For the Republicans, a guy like Walker in the lead position, and I like Nikki Haley as VP – not because she’s a woman – but I’ve seen her speak, and she is going to clean the clock of whomever the Democrat’s VP candidate is in a debate.
Steve: For the Democrats, Jim Webb, and Harold Ford.
For Republicans, maybe a fusion ticket, or even a fusion candidate – the guts of Ted Cruz, the free market principles of Rand Paul, the inspiring story that Rubio has to tell, the ability to take a hit and punch back twice as hard, time and again, like Scott Walker. From the other side, I’d like to see somebody with the ability and willingness of Elizabeth Warren to take it to the crony Wall Street interests, and somebody like Hilary Clinton’s access to the big money donors to wage a spectacular campaign. And since it’s my segment, I wrap them all up in Ronald Reagan’s sunny disposition. So folks, I give you Reaganstein! For his running mate, Joe Biden because we all know him and what harm could he do. (It’s a joke).
