In the past month, a video has been circulating on social media of a young woman, Brittany Maynard, who has terminal brain cancer, and has moved to Oregon so that she can take her own life before the ravages of cancer cause her death.  Here is her video:
Last week on Facebook, a family member of mine posted a video made by my cousin, Anne Roberts, who lost her battle to breast cancer about a year ago.  Anne was a Facebook “friend”, and I was surprised that I had not seen this video before during the past year, posted by her, or by her sisters or mother, who are also my “friends”.

Anne fought this cancer twice – she kicked it the first time and then, after her recurrence almost ten years later, fought as hard as she could to beat it.  She still had young adult children (one still in high school), and a new grandchild, you see, and she wanted to live a bit longer to see them grow up.
She was a sassy, smiling, beautiful, woman who wore red shoes to each of her chemotherapy treatments.
She sold real estate in Alaska, and loved to golf.  She was also a committed Christian woman, who lived every day thankfully and joyously.
She wrote this about a month or so before she died:

Yeah good week! I’m home, I have more mobility in my right foot and leg, the spot they saw on my back from MRI is not cancer!!! Yeah!!! But the lesson I learned this week is the best;) cancer may be able to mess with all parts of my body, mess with my head, legs etc. 1 thing it can’t mess with (unless I let it) is my soul. I will NOT let cancer take my joy, blessing, peace, smiles and giving something to others! The verse that has stuck with me all week is. Today is the day The Lord has given, I WILL (my choice) rejoice and be glad in it. It doesn’t say what kind of day it will be,  just to rejoice and be glad! This what cancer will not take from me!!!!!

As my cousin Jane said:

Anne is a beautiful, courageous, beloved sassy child of The King who today and forevermore is enjoying praising Him with my Grandma, Mom, great-aunts, grandson and so many more. My prayer is that anyone facing these hard, hard times, will choose to trust this journey to Him who gave them life and find the joy and peace that Anne has now and had through the end of her days here in the Shadowlands. Go ahead and through His strength, Kick Cancer to the Curb.

Finally, here is Anne, in her own words:

Life is as it is, we take it to be hard or easy. It’s all about our perception, attitude and level of gratitude.

Geraldine Vermaak

