The most unfortunate outcome so far is that Ebola has become politicized.  Val Jar and McDonough are applying the political prism to every statement, policy, instruction, speech and action.  Hence all the inherent contradictions… 

WASHINGTON – White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest today reaffirmed that the government doesn’t think a travel ban between the U.S. and countries affected with Ebola is a good idea. Fox News’ Ed Henry asked, “Why is it still appropriate for the U.S. to allow people to fly to America from the hot zone?”
ebola CDC
Earnest said, “Quite simply, Ed, because there are –– there’s a multi-layered screening protocol that’s in place to ensure that individuals that may have symptoms consistent with Ebola are not even able to board planes in West Africa.”
He said plenty of people haven’t been allowed on planes for that very reason, and there’s additional screening for any American who flew to that part of the world and wants to reenter the country.
He did acknowledge such screening is not in place for domestic flights, a possible reference to the health care worker who flew from Cleveland to Dallas a day before showing symptoms. (continue reading)

♦  International aid organization Doctors Without Borders said that 16 of its staff members [Doctors] have been infected with Ebola and nine of them have died (link)
♦  Dr. Tom Frieden, director for the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), said during a telephone press briefing Wednesday that:

…”you cannot get Ebola by sitting next to someone on a bus, but that infected or exposed persons should not ride public transportation because they could transmit the disease to someone else”…. (link)

