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If you’ve been reading CTH for any length of time, you already know that we’ve been fans of the edgy street artist called SABO ever since his SUB PAR street art first appeared last February plastered on the progressive streets of Santa Monica, California. The three previous articles we’ve written are  – HERE….HERE….and HERE

Yesterday, SABO took another step forward in his rapidly rising career with his first appearance on Glenn Beck’s  TheBlazeTV.

“SABO has been creating conservative art for more than a decade now, but it was in the last few years that SABO began plastering his controversial posters all around LA. Because his work is illegal, SABO’s face was not shown during the interview and his real name was not used.”

(We’d like to thank TheBlazeTV for the use of their videos.)

(Part II and Sabo slideshow below the fold…)

“My aim as an artist is to be as dirty, ground level, and mean as any liberal artist out there, more so if I can. Use their tactics, their methods, appeal to their audience, the young, urban , street urchins with a message they never hear in a style they own.”






