Just as the national media is censoring the violence at Black Bike Week in Myrtle Beach, so too they are censoring violence at Black Beach Weekend in Miami and Fort Lauderdale.

The event is officially called “Urban Beach Week,” and unofficially referred to as “Black Beach Week”.   The Facebook page is HERE and the website for Urban Beach Week is HERE.

urban beach week

As you may have noted in a few disingenuous media articles – Miami was prepared for the event.  Consequently it seems some of the annual chaos shifted North to Fort Lauderdale.

Miami police arrested 225 people in connection with the 2014 event.  The drop in arrests in/around Miami was offset by the increase in arrests in Fort Lauderdale

fort lauderdale

The media are vaguely reporting on some generally associated violence in Fort Lauderdale.  However, they are totally censoring the impetus of the event and/or the obvious racial componentry that was involved.    The media are simply reporting that an “unruly crowd” of “hundreds of young people” just spontaneously showed up near the beach to riot and caused “a ruckus.”

What the media do not show is an army of police on motorcycles and horse who quelled the violence as soon as it began.   Law enforcement immediately ordered businesses to lock their doors to prevent looting and control crowd flow with overwhelming force.   Thugs around the event attacked and robbed random people, then blocked traffic and jumped on the hoods of cars.

“We had several reports of individuals who were reaching into vehicles, striking drivers. We have reports individuals who were jumping on top of taxicabs,” said Detective Deanna Greenlaw with Fort Lauderdale Police Department.  (link)

In quick response the prepared police completely shut down A1A, the road which parallels the beach, until the trouble making “Urban Beach Crowd” cleared the area.

You will not find a media correctly outlining what the event was, and/or who were the participants were.   A 100% media blackout.

However here’s a video showing some of the issues as they took place and simultaneously asking some difficult questions ?
