Time’s up.   It ran it’s course…. but like most things seasons change.

Vinyl became tape, eight tracks became cassettes, tape became CD’s… CD’s became digital downloads, Etc.    Bill O’Reilly is a CD sale in a download world.  Few buyers.

bill-oreilly egoI know the Neilson’s show it, because they are no-longer touted.  Of course, it’s still early in the transitional phase.

In the beginning phase you could still sell CD’s if you put them on sale, and transitionally VHS players combined with DVD ports in one package to try and stay marketable.

Eventually VHS disappeared completely, and K-Cars ran their course.

Time’s up.   Time to cull the herd before the brand is destroyed under the optical weight of painful visibility.   It’s getting too painful to watch now.

Last night, watching B.O.R get played by Valerie Jarrett was almost as painful as watching Mitt Romney flounder in the third presidential CNN debate replete with Candy Crowley playing the role of Jabba The Hut.    We sat in our living rooms shouting to Romney “quit trying, they’re just not in to you” –  “you look foolish”.

A similar disposition presents itself now, especially with Bill O’Reilly willingly playing the role of a caricature unto himself.

Too smart by half ?



Arrogant, condescending, self-important trying miserably to stay relevant, made exponentially worse by the naiveté in doing actual research or homework.

Infinite values of worse, way worse.

We can almost see him off stage to the handlers shouting “I’ve got this” while applying the experience factor “as if” it guarantees a capacity to engage.  It doesn’t.

It really doesn’t.   And worse, its painful to watch now.

You know what I mean.  I know you know.

Here’s the audio-visual demo:

You’ve got a plan in your head.

It’s time to cut the cord.

ps.  Megyn was a smart move.
