tiananmen-square-3132kThe Washington Post has an article today finally solving the riddle of who was driving the tank in his historic picture of Tiananmen Square.   
According to Washington Post columnist, Bill Minutaglio, the driver of the tank in the famous Tiananmen Square picture was Thomas Jefferson;  yes, that Thomas Jefferson.
(Washington Post)   […]  To find the very roots of the tea party of 2013, just go back to downtown Dallas in 1963,   back to the months and weeks leading to the Kennedy assassination. It was where and when a deeply angry political polarization, driven by a band of zealots, burst wide open in America.

It was fueled then, as now, by billionaires opposed to federal oversight, rabid media, Bible-thumping preachers and extremist lawmakers who had moved far from their political peers. In 1963, that strident minority hijacked the civic dialogue and brewed the boiling, toxic environment waiting for Kennedy the day he died.  (link)
lee harvey oswald
You see what they are doing here?    Just like all leftist indoctrination principles the Washington Post missed, I think intentionally, the entire political point of Lee Harvey Oswald killing President John F Kennedy.
Oswald was a leftist, a far left leftist.   He was a communist minded whacko.
Communism is on the left side of the political continuum.  The Tea Party is on the right side of the political continuum.
The left wants more government, more intrusion into freedom, more central command and control.     As government grows the move left progresses from a democratic state, to a socialist state, and then further to a communist state – total government control. 
The right wants less government, more individual freedom, less command and control.  As government shrinks the move right progresses from a democratic state, to a republican state, and then further to complete anarchy – no government whatsoever.
Just like the tank driver in Tiananmen Square, Lee Harvey Oswald, as a communist sympathizer, was on the left side of the political continuum.
But the Washington Post doesn’t want you to see such an undeniable, albeit brutal, truth.   No, for them, just like in schools and colleges, they need to convince you it was Thomas Jefferson driving that tank/pulling that trigger.
See how the media propaganda works?

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Far left Communist = Lee Harvey Oswald <– | –>  Right Side Tea Party = Thomas Jefferson