(via Daily Caller)  It’s Nov. 16, 2013, and the partial government shutdown ended one month ago today. In those four weeks, and the two prior, everything conservatives said would happen has happened.
Ted Cruz and Mike Lee lg
What’s more, the Democrats’ united stand against them has turned into a retreat — and is primed to become a rout — as they amend Obamacare’s disastrous rollout, President Barack Obama apologizes for his failures, and electorally vulnerable Democrats break ranks and flee. Hell, even the polls that D.C.’s Republican pundits shrieked, wept and clawed over show the Grand Old Party has bounced back while the Democrats have fallen behind. Because, in the end, real people simply weren’t affected by the shutdown, so they won’t vote on it — a distinction Obamacare does not share.
It’s clear now that the whole shutdown thing could have been avoided if Mr.  Obama had been willing to bend on his signature health-care law — something  reality has since forced him to do, and something he will likely have to  continue to do — instead of accusing the Republicans of being “terrorists” who  are holding the country captive.  (continue reading)

Meanwhile the guy who called Lee and Cruz terrorists, John McCain, now want’s to see Obamacare defunded.   D’oh….

(Via The Blaze)  After repeatedly criticizing senators such as Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Mike Lee (R-Utah) over their crusade to defund Obamacare, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) called for the “total repeal” of the Affordable Care Act on Wednesday. It’s a quick turnaround after the longtime senator, in September, proclaimed that it was “not rational” to think Obamacare could be defunded or repealed.
McCain outlined his “solution” during an interview with Greta Van Susteren, which culminated in an admission that the law should be repealed completely.
###IMAGE-CQC“The solution is, first of all, to let people keep their insurance if they want to,” he said. “Or at least reinstate them.”
He continued: “Second of all, let the insurance companies give a menu of whatever they want to provide. Third of all, medical savings account. Fourth of all, medical malpractice reform. Let people go across state lines to, in order to, if they can get a better insurance policy in another state. And remove this whole tax incentive for employers to provide employees health insurance.”
“That is repeal,” Van Susteren said, pointing out the obvious.
“That’s exactly right,” McCain replied. “That is total repeal in every other way. Because what Obamacare is, is an experiment in social engineering — in other words, making healthy people pay more…in order to subsidize the health care for people that are older and unhealthy. That is the ultimate in social engineering.”  (continue reading)
