
We are all Tank Man NOW !!

President Stompy Feet is a petulant man-child.  A typical leftist.   Don’t give him, or anyone of likeminded inconsequence the satisfaction of deliberate consideration.  Laugh at them;  Sing joyful out loud songs, and Dance.
These people, who proclaim to rule over us, have the keen intellect of a dimwitted gnat and do not deserve even a modicum of reasonable discussion.   Something happens when a rational person crosses over the Potomac river –  They become dense, illogical and absent of standard cognitive capacity;  in short they get stupid.

Case(s) in point examples begin with that ridiculous tweet from Congressman Steve King:

If they are only there to intimidate us, then get rid of them… D’oh. Walk out to the National Mall and tell them to leave. But then again, shouldn’t we come to expect such insufferable accepting protestations.   I mean really, think about it.
October 17, 2008. Rachel Playe /  Philadelphia Daily News 
It’s the same/same logic – Pay no attention to the these guys, they are only there to intimidate you….. D’oh. Well,…. ok then. Carry on.
President Stompy Feet needs lo-fo (low information) minds to buy into the ruse that you are being ruled and there are applicable laws that can be enforced against you. Things like, LOOKING AT MOUNT RUSHMORE, or even worse, DRIVING A BOAT IN OPEN WATER. You are not violating the law by failing to comply with these ridiculous assertions. You are not under their rule. Well, at least you are not so long as you don’t accept their rulings. Challenge them, live your life anyway. Be Tank Man.
Recently a GREAT patriot sent us this link:

How concerned would you be if President Obama were promoting revenge — using government resources — against conservative thought and activism? Recently I viewed two e-mails — one from President Obama and the other from a Regional Director — sent to all employees — of a very powerful federal agency. These e-mails were marked confidential.

[…] Suffice it to say the content of these e-mails revealed the next step of Obama’s sinister agenda. Vilify conservative ideology and sanction acts of revenge against conservatives within the community of government employees. If you think the IRS scandal was intimidating, imagine what it will be like when all federal employees view conservatism as an enemy. (the article continues)

humor-in-nature8Our response. Duh? Yeah, so?… OF COURSE LIBERALLY MINDED FEDERAL EMPLOYEES VIEW CONSERVATIVES AS AN ENEMY.. oh, quick, alert the media… Newsflash – This isn’t new, nor is it news.
President Stompy feet and his cohorts hate conservative, patriotic American values. Period. Nothing new there. Consider these recent descriptions of us:

“Unhinged” Arsonists (Wasserman-Schultz)
“Insane People” Who “Have Lost their Minds” (Harry Reid)
“People with a Bomb Strapped to their Chest”, aka “Terrorists” (Dan Pfeiffer)
“Blatant Extortionists” (Jay Carney)
“Legislative Arsonists” (Nancy Pelosi)

Is it really a surprise that Dear Leader, President Stompy Feet, views us as his enemy? Of course not. Heck, we are the gun-toting, bitter bible clingers“, remember ?
Yeah, SO ?
We’re the ones he saw as the enemy when talking to Mexican media and La Raza. We’re the ones he said demanded an “alligator moat” to secure the Southern border, remember?
Yeah, SO?

I’m Still Dancing – What about you?

The liberal left are intellectual gnats who need indoctrination efforts, to “convince” people of their ideology.   Why? Because it’s:  a) not founded on natural laws or beliefs that make sense, and, b.) Fraught with lies. Consider:
This is their gnat-sized intellect. {{ eyeroll }}
Who, or what ideology, was the Mayor when MOVE was firebombed from a helicopter in Philadelphia?   Who was President when 29 Black people were burned to death by the Feds in WACO Texas ? Who, or what ideology, was in the White House when Randy Weaver and his family were assassinated by the Feds at Ruby Ridge ?
DEMOCRATS – THAT’S WHO. I could go on, but I digress…
No, this nonsense is the primary ingredient compromising the feed pellets for the indoctrinated lo-fo mind.    We need to remember “Kilroy Was Here“….

Click to Enlarge

Remember it, and live it..

We are the majority.  Defy their stupidity, look at Mount Rushmore and laugh.  Skip down the National Mall and thank a service member.
Be proud of your country, that drives them nuts.   Be TANK MAN – Defy your rulers, cherish freedom and liberty, and remember Kilroy’s purpose.

It was, and it is, a symbol of courage, pride, encouragement;  and was definitely a morale booster.  Everywhere, amid the highest visibility of the worst of human sufferings and bloodshed, when Kilroy was sighted – it stood for U.S.   ALL of US.
So what could make this better?

See?…. you already know….
