800,000 federal employees categorized as “non-essential”.   QuestionIf they were not essential, then why did they get hired ?
•  Related and making the point – Over 93% of the entire EPA staff considered “non-essential”.
•  Identity politics (the favored strategy of Democrats) rears its head – SLATE announces “Women will be hardest Hit“, ie. the GOP War On Women Continues…..
•  ABC finds racism in the Shut Down – Defines Shutdown Negotiators as “all white males”;  While Salon and MSNBC are less subtle:

•  Meanwhile CNN and CBS will only interview Republicans who will attack their own party.
•  The Washington Post says the GOP need to be lined up and shot.
•  Dirty Harry Reid releases private emails between himself and John Boehner.
…. and one of the really odd illogical arguments you see on almost every media network is around their framework that President Obama was re-elected therefore his position holds the will of the people  (sub-question: where was this rationale in 2005?).   
…..While somehow they cognitively avoid reconciling that if every member of the House of Representatives votes to reflect the majority view of their constituents – that overrides the falsely constructed *claim* by the President/media.

I really think that every member of the media should be taught to understand the essential principle surrounding the following visual aide:

The “Legislative Branch” writes laws, the “Executive Branch” executes laws.
Apparently, EVERY.SINGLE.MEDIA.OUTLET  does not understand this basic tenet of our Constitution Republic…… 
…..Unless there is a Republican President; then all of a sudden – they remember again (See 2007′).
Huh, funny that?    Odd.
