FIRST The FLIP.   Yesterday [Mon] on CNN, when the shooter was still thought to have used an AR-15, the CNN media types were talking about how accurate a weapon it was.   @7pm Erin Burnett even hosted a show talking about how anyone with simple training could put every magazine round into a two-inch square at 100 yards.    (*Note – This is Pre-victim id)

[…]  But if you keep that weapon clean, it is an extremely accurate rifle. He said from 100 yards, a novice with no training, with very little training could put just about every bullet in the magazine within about a two-inch area from 100 yards. So, that is how accurate that particular weapon is, Erin.

BURNETT: That is stunning. Every bullet in the magazine within a two-inch area with no training, I mean, that’s impossible to understand.

All right. Well, now I know, Brian, at this point, there are questions about what gun he used if he only used one gun where he got them. And I know we are still working on a lot of that. But I know that you know — you’re reporting he also had a semiautomatic Glock. Do we have any sense of what that, where he got that, what he was using that for?

TODD: Not sure where he got the semiautomatic glock pistol, Erin. We know that, from our sources that he purchased — he legally purchased the ar-15 rifle and that according to the people we have talked to, our law enforcement sources that was the weapon that he — the majority of the shooting with on Monday. So the ar-15 is really the weapon that everybody’s talking about right now(link)

But, OVERNIGHT, (*note* post victim id) something changed, and I was wondering why CNN was (all of a sudden) talking on every punditry show about how random, and inaccurate, shotgun blasts are -in general- regarding victims.  They are seemingly now fixated on randomness….
Then it hit me…..   The Navy is approximately 20% African American.    Washington DC Demographics are  50.1% African American…..  The media video(s) in/around the Navy Yard show a very large African American Naval Yard employee representation….

….. But (almost) every victim was WHITE.


……“He [Alexis] never got angry with us. He was always very nice to us. He had a couple of issues with being black. He felt he hadn’t been treated right, not by the Navy, just generally….

– Mr Suthamtewakul  (link)
