When ever you want to know what direction the left-wing limo liberals want the Decepticons to take, all you need to do is watch Joe Scarborough.   That’s what makes his recent pontifications about his hurt fee fees so funny.

(Via Mediaite)  On Friday’s Morning Joe, the hosts and guests of the program argued over the direction the Republican Party needs to take in order to become a viable national party again. The conversation veered from what important traits a GOP presidential candidate should have to whether Joe Scarborough himself embodied those traits. Democratic strategist James Carville argued that Scarborough was too moderate for his party, but Scarborough disagreed. He said that a few “Cheeto crunchers on blogs” dislike him, but he more often hears Republicans praise him and “thank God” for his commentary.
The Morning Joe panel began by discussing how Bill Clinton saved the Democratic Party in the 1990s by moving to the center. They wondered how Republicans could internalize those lessons and apply them today.
“I know the Republican primary electorate and I can tell you what they do,” Scarborough said. “They go to work. They don’t stay at home and blog all day. They’re not on twitter at 7:30 in the morning. They may have this show on in the background. They may have Fox on in the background. But you know what they’re doing? They’re getting their kids ready for school.”  (read more)
