Cultural Marxism / Political Correctness – is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end.

Patriotic Cowboy KidThe Conservative Tree House (aka. The Last Refuge) is the diametric opposite to this definition. The absence of agenda is, in essence, the similarity behind our association.
Any form of “Cultural Marxism” is antithetical to freedom because it belies the entire concept of openness, truthfulness and honesty – especially brutal honesty.
Progs, and liberals, democrats, fabian-socialists, and to a lesser extent other political interests, but for the sake of exhaustive definition “progs”, are hell-bent on controlling the optical narrative of all things according to an agenda they define.  There are several schools of thought that have historically been the leaders in promoting the fabian-socialism outlook – The Frankfurt School, the Birmingham School, but one of the most influential Marxists who focused on cultural, rather than economic, thought was the Italian Marxist Antonio Gramsci

Professor Keller at UCLA does a great job of outlining the pivot from emphasis on economic control to cultural control in his analysis of Gramsci, recognizing that not only was violence required to achieve cultural dominance and hegemony, seizing control of the social institutions which were the “social glue” – the churches, schools, and especially the media – was key to assuming true control and domination over non-believers.  Gramsci was also an advocate of using one ethnicity, giving them the levers of power, to rule over and subordinate the majority. (But that’s a whole other separate post….)
One of the key tenets of cultural marxism is domination and control over thought and ideology – using violence and co-opting of social institutions or any other “means necessary”. Strict adherence to the accepted orthodoxy and control over same is paramount.  Over the past several decades, they have successfully used the social institutions to inculcate reflexive guilt with the intent to make challenging them more difficult -which has been extremely successful, and is probably one of the hardest habits for freedom loving counter-prog people to break.

When called out, they will never “apologize”. Never. The immediate reaction is try and pivot and make you the “problem” by accusing you of being “unreasonable” and “unwilling to compromise” (how often have you heard that from the progs like Reid, Pelosi and Obama?) and if that fails, then they retreat and claim it is always a “misunderstanding”.  (You saw this most recently when the progs stated the Zimmerman trial was about race – then it wasn’t about race – and then it was about race, and Zimmerman was expected to apologize for killing the person who was slamming his head into the concrete in a life-threatening attack – and he did!)
They believe in incrementalism, and follow their own version of what they believe to be the philosophy of the Roman Fabius.  They will try to nudge you from A to B. If you resist, they will explain it was a “misunderstanding”, retreat (but never apologize) and walk you part way back to A.5 before circling around again to push you to B. You will never get back to “A” with a Prog unless you push back at them even harder in the opposite direction from where they’ve been trying to nudge you.  
Unless you’re willing to do so – firmly and with conviction – you will never, ever get that ground back.  (Think of the current culture wars: affirmative action, late term abortion, illegal immigration in this context).  The line of advancement will always then be reset at A.5. Then B. etc. This is how the “Overton Window” is moved. What is acceptable as the “baseline” is so dramatically to the far left of what was imaginable in this country even 10 years ago and that is a direct consequence of this successful approach.

Understanding this is to key to how you choose to respond when progs use “shaming” language to try and make you feel that you are the outlier and the one who is not in step with the adopted cultural standards (adopted by progs, that is).   Language that lets you know you are dealing with a prog include words like “hater”, “hostile”, “mean”, or “selfish” when in fact, all you are doing is standing your ground and defending your values.  Because their values are grounded in emotion and group coercion, not facts and independent thinking, how they debate is also based in emotion and ad hominem attacks.
Not here. That’s why this place is The Last Refuge….. an escape from that of previous definition.
Big Patriot
Our common enemy (enemy defined as opposition) is anyone, any organization, or any thing, which advances the ideology of Cultural Marxism ahead of inherent Individual Freedom Principles – those pesky “unalienable rights” which our founders thought to be self-evident yet they knew, from experience, how easily lost they could be.
Our nation was founded upon “individual freedom”, hence we are a “Constitutional Republic” and not a Democracy. Democracy sucks – because the mob rules in democratic forms of governance. Our founders were smart enough to know that “individuals” could only be free if they were free to make their own choices, and yet simultaneously, and consequentially, be also solely accountable for the results from those choices.
So our visible common enemy in today’s environment is the media, and those progs who have over time infiltrated the media, to control thought, opinion, and actual life. The Modern Fabian-Socialists. The people who want to tell you how to live, and define the acceptable choices within which you are permitted to actually live it.
You see us spending quite a bit of time identifying and calling progs to task. Why? Well, quite simply our goal is to arm everyone who believes in freedom with the intellectual tools to defend themselves. Simultaneously we also each need support while we engage in the foxhole so we do not think of our views as being solitary.
Solidarity is a key principle behind morale. It is only when you realize that you do not stand alone and that you are not alone in holding the beliefs that you do that you can breathe freely, and find the hope needed to continue fighting and educating, based on natural laws.
Knowing you are not alone is also an empowerment principle that allows you to step boldly out from behind the potted plant and engage the opposition, pushing back against their manipulations and agendas.
How do Cultural Marxists work? Understand that cultural marxism is all about achieving coerced “hegemony” of thought ending in complete control and domination and they work in the shadows using the concept of incrementalism – the frog in water theory.
Remember that the name of the Fabian society is derived from the Roman general Fabius Cunctator, whose patient and elusive tactics in avoiding pitched battles secured his ultimate victory over stronger forces.  Progs see this as a license to use outright lies, deceit and manipulation to advance their objectives.  It is part of their very core – and is antithetical to all freedom loving, truth-seeking people.
An example of this core strategy in action is how Fabians/Cultural Marxists will work to achieve their ends by consistently moving and re-setting the goals posts – all while demanding that their opponents be “reasonable” and “compromise”.
Against the backdrop of the George Zimmerman case many people are getting an “in your face” lesson on not only how the media manipulates, but also how embedded and influential Liberalism and Cultural Marxism is within our modern society.

Consider this:

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Oh hell, yes, they are. It is “liberals” (ie progs) who not only created the series of lies that surround the race-based accusations against George Zimmerman; but also liberals who afford the BGI the cover to advance it. You’ll never see a liberal take a contingent of the liberal coalition to task. E.V.E.R.
Modern Liberals progressives have an agenda – period. Their agenda is antithetical to American Exceptionalism – we have just shared numerous examples today of how progs are attempting to deconstruct a nation, our nation, which was based on individual liberty.
The case against George Zimmerman, is a fabricated series of events, created by, and promoted by the same rabidly illogical and ideological minority described in the definition of Cultural Marxists.
Within that association you find Democrats, Race-Based industrialists, Labor Unions, various grievance industries -including the Black contingent- and Political forces hell bent on advancing their ideology of modern progressivism. The latter of which is the modern offspring from the Fabian Socialist movement.
And it should come as no surprise they are all, in a general sense, a bunch of fibbers and manipulators. They are quite skilled at lying actually….. and damned good with the use of Alinsky tactics.
Progressives are notorious liars. That is necessary because their entire ideological make-up is based on hypocrisy. Within ideological hypocrisy you are forced not only to lie to others, but to also lie to yourself in order to reconcile the illogical nature of your beliefs.
At the same time we were researching Ryan Julison, we used the exact same approach to researching other key characters within the construct of the progressive agenda surrounding the fabrications that became the case against George Zimmerman. So we used the same viewing glass to look at Mark O’Mara, and what we found was a symbiotic ideology between both Julison and O’Mara (among others).
Yet the cultural marxists don’t want you to view the O’Mara part – they only want you to view the Julison, Francis, Crist, Corey, De La Rionda, Bondi, Jackson, Crump, Parks, Oliver, Triplett, Bonaparte, et al part. The other part is, well, according to them –and remember they will define what is acceptable (the clean end)– “off-limits”.
It’s just how they roll.
It has always been thus.
The Alinsky process: Isolate – Ridicule – Marginalize, is part and parcel of how progs advance against their opposition. Often times they are quietly working at the front of the parade (another key Alinsky practice) as they choose the route. That way they can steer the crowd behind them; and it is only if you stop mid-stride and ask “hey wait a minute, where are we headed” that you become a risk.

To George Zimmerman’s family I encourage you to not post or comment on the case until after George is out from under this threat. I know that’s hard but this defense team is fighting so much already. Now it appears that a blogger that has been so much help in bringing facts to light is against the team too, or at the least against one of the lead counsel.

God forbid you stop, ask questions, or, *gasp*, actually speak against their route agenda, all of a sudden they will appear out of no where and go on the attack. Move along, move along, nothing to see here folks….. move along…. pay no attention to the little dog pulling the curtain… move along.
See the process?
You’ll also never find a Cultural Marxist / modern prog actually creating anything of their own. Instead they choose to hijack the efforts of others. They won’t actually organize or lead a parade, because they generally don’t stand for anything that others will march behind them for – their shallow nature lends them to only aggregate a crew of distrusting followers, so some have to actually be paid to associate. Instead the preferred approach will be to work their way to the front of an existing parade, and then attempt to manipulate steer it.

Remould it nearer to the heart’s desire

Cultural Marxists, progressives, are everywhere, even where you least expect to find them. Many of them are actually behind the wire (think RINO) and comfortable embedding themselves in to psy-ops operations. Actually, they *should* always be where you least expect to find them – because THAT is exactly where they can do the most damage narrative control.
You’ll rarely find an effective prog out in the open – that’s what the media is for. Most of the more dangerous progs / Cultural Marxists are right beside you, steering you and gaining confidence – and yet you don’t even know it.
Think of all those examples of people you know, in your life, who have defined others as dicks racists in an effort to disguise their own racism. Just like Jackson, Sharpton, Jealous, and others…no different. Cultural Marxists are bound by their ideology to live a life based on reconciling hypocrisy – and they’ll do it by any means necessary.
Commenter Pitbull became aware of just how freeing this knowledge is:

“You accept that they will destroy you — without even a seconds hesitation – to meet their evil goals. After you accept this (as I believe The Z family has ) – you have no fear and all your power to defend yourself is unleashed.”

Get to know the warning signs, understand how to point them out, practice standing up to them, and you will find yourself empowered, stronger, and filled with individual liberty.

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”

…. or maybe just comfortable within The Last Refuge.
Baby Newt
