The Hampton Coliseum Spring Carnival was cancelled a week early due to a gang related shooting which resulted in the death of Ralphael Davis Jr.  In addition to the deceased, four other teenagers were shot.  One remains in critical condition.

A 15-year-old male and 17-year-old male were arrested and each charged with one count of murder, four counts of maiming and five counts of using a firearm in the commission of a felony, according to Hampton Police.  (link)

The local progessive-sympathetic Virginia Pilot newspaper, which refused to fully report on the threats and black mob violence perpetrated in the name of Trayvon Martin against two of its own reporters in Norfolk, Virginia in 2012 again doubles down on living the lie by refusing to fully and honestly report on the events that led to the early cancellation of the carnival.

The participants and victims involved were black and local commenters emphatically assert it was a shoot-out between rival gangs at what had been for over 35 years a “family friendly” event.  The Virginia Pilot remains silent on the race and gang angle of the story, actively scrubbing and deleting any comments that discuss the race and/or gang affiliations of those involved.

“Because of this unfortunate incident, the advisability of continuing this event in the future is being examined by coliseum, city staff and area stakeholders,” McCormick wrote. “Public safety is of paramount importance to us all.”

Living the lie.
