The “Girlfriend”

It is now a matter of public record that Witness #8, “DeeDee” was not 16 years old on March 19, 2012 – she was 18.   Nor was she in the hospital during Trayvon’s visitation/funeral, nor did Ronquavis actually meet her;  And as a consequence of the last hearing, nor did she write the statement/affidavit previously attributed to her.  [She now claims it was written by someone named “Francine”? ]

Dee Dee March 19th

So how long before it is released that she was not actually on the phone with Trayvon?  And, what is becoming more than likely, she is, as was thought from the outset, a person fulfilling the role of a constructed character fabrication, ‘media evidence’.  400 minutes on the phone?  Yeah, riiiight.

The Absence Of A Criminal Record

It is now a matter of public record that School Resource Officer, Darryl Dunn, manipulated the reporting of Trayvon’s school behaviors to divert away from the criminal justice system, and hide criminal activity – on more than one occasion.

[scribd id=135564937 key=key-4z6sp9q8xkryibvf2go mode=scroll]

So how long before it is released/discovered, that Trayvon was actually expelled from Dr. Krop Senior High School, and, again more than likely, another benefactor of the Charles Hurley “Baker Act” principles of diversion and HIPPA shield ?

Portable ?

Aunt Ebony has put on record that Trayvon was NOT living with his mom, Sybrina, or his Dad, Tracy, and was instead living with his uncle, former marine, Stephen Martin.

The discussions of Trayvon moving to Sanford had already taken place:

Last night he [Trayvon] had a long talk with DeWayne, his buddy from pee-wee football. DeWayne asked what he was doing.

Just chillin’ with my ol’ boy, Trayvon said. Trayvon’s dad was dating a woman who lived there, a woman named Brandy, and it was looking serious. If he had to change high schools again to move up there, he said, it would be a’ight. (link)

Understandable Anger Issues ?

How long before it is identified who actually removed the “fight club” video from Trayvon’s U-Tube account?


Trayvon-Martin U-Tube channel


Trayvon u-tube acct new

A Trip for Tea and Skittles?

It’s no wonder they are rushing this thing to trial……
