Today, after months of work, we finally received hundreds of pages of detailed internal investigative discovery, sworn statements made under oath, and internal affairs investigative interviews made inside the Miami-Dade School Police Dept.

Miami Dade Schools Police Department

This information now confirms, and proves, with specific detail, what we have suspected for some time.  Combined with numerous interviews, we can now share the story of one of the most egregious and intentional abuses of public trust – which has led to the removal of the Miami-Dade School Police Chief, the false prosecution of George Zimmerman and ultimately the death of Trayvon Martin.

We owe it to all our readers, and those who have contributed money to assist our endeavors, to explain how we have received the information.  Information, that reveals so much more than just details specific to the Trayvon Martin story.

Last summer, while we were discovering the true intentions surrounding so many of the political players in the Martin Family narrative, not only were we looking at how the story was constructed – but also what was hidden from view.

We knew from experience that Law Enforcement Officers are good people, trustworthy people, and if something unethical was being done there would be those who would not support lies and manipulations.   It took a while to find them, and given the blanket gag order – not to mention the pressured silence – we finally found a way in.

Freedom of Information Act requests, or FOIA’s as they are more commonly known, are only as good as the specific questions you know to frame when you submit them. You’ve got to know where to look, and specifically what to ask for.

Sanford PD was going to be a dead-end because the investigation is still open. The same applies with the FDLE. But we found a back door to the same and similar information when we discovered a parallel investigation going on in Miami, inside the Miami-Dade School Police Department.

We were first on the trail by noting a “chatroom conversation among law enforcement”, that led us to watch and see what police officers in/around Miami-Dade SPD both did and said publicly. By June a full-blown scandal was obvious when the M-DSPD police chief, Charles J Hurley, was removed from his position.


Former M-DSPD Chief Charles Hurley

That was our first tip that something was not passing the sniff test.

Again, we watched, followed, and kept an eye on any media reports – there were only a few, but enough for us to connect dots and recognize this was bigger than it appeared on the surface. We had no idea how big.

In the winter of 2012 we began making contact, and between Thanksgiving and Christmas we had developed enough of an understanding of what was taking place to know specifically what to ask for. So in December we made the specific requests, then after much back and forth, we finally were able to get FOIA approvals, and the subsequent bill(s) for hundreds of pages of documented investigation that took place over the course of many months and thousands of labor hours.

What we are going to share in the next several posts will outline a story that is not only alarming – it is sad. Profoundly sad. As you follow along – against the backdrop of Trayvon Martin – keep in mind how many more Trayvon Martin’s are being exploited, and put at risk, by the same system designed to inflate the ego, pride, and career of those at the highest levels of public trust.

The police men and police women you will read about are wonderful, dedicated people, who serve their communities. They were forced to follow a system of lies, manipulations and fraud by career minded leaders who cared more about themselves than the people they were sworn to protect.

The officers, detectives, sergeants, school resource officers and, yes, even captains, were all compromised by their leadership.   Their leadership was manipulating a system to advance their own self importance.   Once the Trayvon Martin story became national headlines – the manipulations became a risk.

Thanks go out to all our wonderful readers and commentators for their support on so many levels. Personally I would like to thank an incredible Admin Team who have carried me when I was tired, raised me when I was beaten, and prayed while we were being disparaged.

To the Zimmerman family, I believe, like us, you will feel a profound sadness in what has taken place. Not only has your son been railroaded by the intentional use of the legal system to cover the tracks of a rotten criminal justice system. But also because Trayvon Martin was set up to fail by a system more concerned about how they looked, and more concerned about financial interests, than confronting, admonishing, intercepting and insuring a 17-year-old young man understood right from wrong.

…. and so we will begin.

The backstory is HERE and HERE
