RUSH LIMBAUGH:  Now, here’s this ABC story: “57 Terrible Consequences of Sequester.” Now, I wish I had time, I wish I had the ability to go through all 57. I’m not gonna bore you. But I want you to listen to some of them. This is ABC News, the same place Jonathan Karl works. They’re not even on the same page. Jonathan Karl is out there saying, “Well, we’re gonna spend $15 billion more.

“The public isn’t gonna really feel this.” Over here, elsewhere at ABC, the full monty, babe, full scare tactic, 100% fearmonger, 57 terrible consequences. “Air travel disruption. Longer security lines at airports. Slower extreme weather forecasts.” Slower extreme weather forecasts? “Greater risk of wildfires.” A greater risk of wildfires because the federal government is only spending $15 billion more than it spent last year? Do you realize how absurd this has gotten now?

No longer do these crises occur if we spend less.

Now they occur even if we don’t spend enough more!

“Pest-infested crops will increase. A shortage nationwide of meat and poultry. Prison lockdowns. A furlough of nearly 37,000 Bureau of Prisons staff. Slower gun background checks. Fewer FBI agents. Immigration backlog. The inability to hire immigration judges. Longer waits for passports and visas. Neglect for the mentally ill, the homeless, and the substance-addicted. 125,000 would be at risk of homelessness.

“Housing vouchers and shelter programs would be on the chopping block. 600,000 women and children thrown off of WIC,” the Women, Infants and Children program. “424,000 fewer AIDS tests. 7400 fewer patients could get HIV medications. No rent assistance for 7300 AIDS patients. 807,000 fewer hospital visits for Native Americans.” That’s right! If we only spend $15 billion more this year than last year, 807,000 fewer Native Americans will be able to visit hospitals.  (read more)

My country tis of me...
My country tis of me…