It’s been six months since we brought you the uncomfortable story of Black Day Care workers who created their own version of “Gladiator Training” for the three-year-olds in their care who were forced to fight eachother and videotaped.  In that real-life story we outlined the culture of thuggery, and violence, and how it was not only supported by -but advocated by- black women in the community.

The three women seen here: 19-year-old Tiana Harris, 21-year-old Estefania Myers and 47-year-old Lisa Parker were arrested last year and charged with assault, endangering the welfare of a child, reckless endangering and conspiracy.  The story is HERE.

Well what do you think happens when a generation of those who survive “fight school” reach the streets?    It is interesting how Jesse Jackson, Barack Obama and Eric Holder disengenuously avoid any conversation about the violence so easily witnessed within the black community.   Here is the latest example: 

newark-beating-video-screen-grab.jpgNew Jersey – Somewhere in Newark, a teenage boy can be seen removing his clothes, stripping completely naked while he is berated and cursed at by another man in a black hat and black T-shirt. A pack of men [Traythugs] surround their cornered victim, laughing and commenting on the situation.

As the boy stands there with his shoulders slumped, the man in the black shirt screams about a debt owed by their victim’s father. As the boy cowers, the leader of the group grabs a belt from one of his sidekicks and screams at the victim.

What happens next has infuriated law enforcement and city leaders. For 90 seconds, the boy is mercilessly whipped with the belt while the group continues to laugh at him, demanding he tell the camera that it’s a “dog eat dog world.”

At the end of the video, someone announces the amount of money that sparked the vicious attack — a measly $20.

The video, which contains some disturbing images and abusive language, has attracted nearly 38,000 views on YouTube as of Monday night. Newark Police Director Samuel DeMaio said he was infuriated by the video and dispatched three separate detective squads to find the man holding the belt in the clip, which he called “sickening.”  (read more)
