Update Apparently, Ms. Laura has a modified approach.   “Retreat” might be the better descriptive;  but then again, sunlight hurts.

[Laura Wilcox writes]  In response to your letter,

First, my comments regarding (showing angst) towards the Zimmerman’s, family, friends, etc. are no different than that of your many “regulars” posting here regarding Trayvon, family, friends, etc., as I am sure you yourself can agree with. If you don’t, well I guess that means we see things differently.

Perhaps, firstly and however, your angst, anger, and bitter attack was not targeted toward “others”. You directed your attack at me, Sundance Cracker (that’s me) and the site, The Conservative Treehouse, not toward those of association. A key distiction you disingenuously avoid.

Secondly, any AND ALL, posts written by me, shared upon this site, are based on FACT, reflected and shared with opinion. In not ONE of those opinions will you find a personal attack against Trayvon Martin, his Family, or any member of his acquaintence. If a man is using drugs, seeks drugs, and brags about using drugs to include pictures of himself engaged in the solicitation of -and use toward- drug dependency, it is NOT an attack to point to his use and share opinion about the behavior.

Lastly, not one opinion ever shared, posted, hosted, cited, referenced, or implied, has EVER been about color of skin, ethnicity, or skin pigmentation, period. Every single thread and post, including the vast sums of reasearch posts have been about “behaviors”. You simply cannot intellectually and honestly say the same or make the same claim ……. /SD

For months I have posted freely on my own personal views regarding Trayvon Martin & George Zimmerman. Suddenly, over the past month or so, contributors from your site started constantly bombarded me with tweets containing hateful, racist comments, directed at my three boys, because they are indeed bi-racial. As a mother, you come to your children’s defenses without question. As an administrator of this site, you seem to condone that behavior.

How? Show me one example, one scintilla of evidence, that would lead you to believe that I, or anyone in an administrative role within this venue has ever “condoned” that behavior. Pure factual mistatement on your part. In addition, it is not my job, my role, my intent, nor is it practical, to think I could possibly trace the activity of the more than 20,000 daily site visitors and commentators in regard to YOUR activity. Sillyness to even expect….. /SD

So excuse me if I showed a little hostility in my letter. After awhile you get tired of it and it becomes very frustrating.

Again, hostility directed toward a site, and a person (namely me) that has never, not one time, directed, implied, inferred or leaned toward anything even remotely aimed in your direction. You are emotionally disconnected from intellectual honesty…. /SD

With that being said, because I have a certain opinion, it does not give anyone the right to subject my children to such hateful scrutiny by posting their pictures on this site for all to poke fun of, write hateful things about, and make presumptions about. Nor does it give anyone the right to threaten me with my employment, family, or anything else regarding my personal life. You all can show hate to me all you like, but bringing innocent children into it is a step too far, for anyone.

But again, you miss the point. That of which you speak is EXACTLY the activity of which you engage. What has Robert Zimmerman Jr., Gladys, Robert Sr, or even George Zimmerman himself ever done to you, and/or your family, yet you find no boundaries in your hate-filled, vitriolic rants toward person(s) you have no knowledge of…. /SD

I may have said some hateful things myself, but I have NEVER posted pictures of anyone’s children, or attacked them.

But you hold no measure of responsibility for proclaiming your voice through written text throughout the internet. You desire to state anything, do anything, post anything, and yet you claim outrage when the same definitions are applied toward you….. This is where you need to think before you act….. /SD

Do I regret my “letter”? yes & no. I’m angry. But if I thought that all the things your “group” did here today was possible, than, no, I wouldn’t have written it.

Nor should you. Again, as I have stated over and over, you and people of similar and like-minded consequence need to think about the unintended consequences of your actions. Not only you, but I have repeated this EXACT SENTIMENT to virtually everyone, almost every day. Think before you act. Once you hit “enter” there is no retreat, it exists forever…../SD

That is my response. I wish to have nothing more to do with this site, as I value my children’s lives much more than my own; in case you haven’t noticed, you have quite few bad apples in this bunch; scary individuals on your site that would seem to go to any length to harass someone. And I sir, take threats very seriously.

You should. You should take any and all threats VERY seriously. You should report all threats to the proper authorities, and you should safeguard your family against all adversity. I am not the internet police. I have no control over the actions and activities of anyone other than myself. I am keenly aware what it feels like to be on the recieving end of hate; and lastly regarding threats: Go back and look through your internet history, and that of your commentary. You might be surprised to find that YOU, yes YOU, have engaged in the very thing you proclaim to take seriously…. and those you have attacked might just take YOUR THREATS very seriously also. Food for Thought…./SD

*Update*  Unfortunately attempts to E-Mail Laura Wilcox are unsuccessful.   Therefore here is the substance of my attempt.

Dear Ms. Wilcox, I hope this email finds you well.

Apparently, you have taken an interest with The Last Refuge site as noted in comments made by you, at our aforementioned site, and under the auspices of various social media identities attributed to your authorship.

In addition I take note of a recent series of comments found within the various moderation filters where you are requesting information about you, your identity, and that of your family history be removed from the comments made by visitors reflecting upon your opinions.   As requested a series of photographs have been removed.

However, that request fulfilled, have you given consideration to the odd hypocrisy contained within the framework of “that which you protest about is exactly that which you have framed toward others”?    

Meaning you have invested a considerable amount of energy, resources, time and effort in formulating written attacks against  other persons besides George Zimmerman himself.  Yet, now you are concerned when those same considerations are pointed in your direction.

According to your own admissions, and perhaps even prideful bragging, you personally have attacked not only George Zimmerman, but also his family, his siblings, his parents, his cousins and his friends.   In addition you find no measure of pause in also attacking anyone who speaks positively on his behalf.

Yet, oddly, NOW,  you protest when the same application is delivered unto you?

Seems more than a little hysterically hypocritical no?

As an unnesseccary, but thoughtful, consideration we have had temporarily paused viewer feedback on your publicly posted diatribes.    Prior to re-opening them, I attempted to present you with a question:   Have you fully thought through the potential impacts of your activity, including but not limited to, your employment, your family, and your social network within your community if your fully contextualized commentary was publicly visible?

If prudent pause finds you wishing engagement had never occurred, meaning you regret your profane riddled admonishments, we will consider retaining the comments section closed.   Understanding that while we can “edit” sensitive content, we are not going to censure discussion or admonishments beyond what we would normally consider.

Which would you prefer.?    Thanks in advance for your reply.

Warmest regards, 


Comments on this post have been re-opened.   But please use appropriate consideration for our position regarding commentary.   Thank you….. /SD

This comment was caught up in the Spam filter.   Apparently a person knocking on a clubhouse door they are not invited to.    Alas, the door knocker feels her/their perspectives are not given the full merit of consideration.  So without further ado… Allow me to present “Laura” -Mother of 3 boys – and her intellectual wisdom:  (my comments in red)


Time and time again you display cowardliness behavior. You fail to let our posts,(Trayvon Martin & The Martin family supporters) get published on your site, when they are indeed presented with facts & the evidence at hand.   OK, well with that in mind here’s your moment in the sun.   We shall provide you the fullest manner of intellectual consideration.   However, why would we bog ourselves down with irrelevant banter and circular logic.  It is annoying. 

Yet, you proceed to stalk our twitter accounts and comment sections such as this one, take screen shots of them, take them back to your hole and unleash them on your vultures.  Um, no, wrong…  Not a single site administrator, nor myself, follow your twitter accounts, or the twitter accounts of anyone other than a few media reporters.  

If site visitors do, that’s entirely their prerogative; I’m not going to tell people what to do or not to do, they are free to pursue any site they choose.   When they enter the Treehouse the rules are our rules  – Take em’ or leave em.  I doubt, heck I’m certain, I personally have never once visited your site or your twitter prior to this.    And, um, why is there a follow button if you don’t want people to follow you?  Seems an odd contention.   But ok…. whatever.

Again, you do this with no allowance for any rebuttals from us. What are you scared of?  Scared of?  That’s just silly.   Fear has nothing to do with intellect.   Personally, I am annoyed by circular logic and emotionally driven ideology not based on facts; and why would disparaging rebuttals be expected.   Just don’t visit – Problem solved.

Besides, should atheists be permitted to post anti-religion comments on the bulletin boards of churches?   Silly request no? 

Many of you claim to God fearing people, church going citizens & Christians. What type?  Don’t know, never asked, it’s not a contingency thing.   I believe in God, but that is not a requirement for visiting the Truth. Because it seems that your group acts more like a cult of racists & bigots.   Hope not, the site admins attempt to dispatch any negative vitriol when noted, and certainly most comments that could be considered racist are met with backlash from the site visitors themselves.   Internal policing seems to work.  Some of may you not be, but from what most of us have read, most of you are (very quick to throw around slurs, racist terms and stereotypes) I’ve seen you call us racists. Why?  “Most,” I would challenge that overgeneralization.   Why are you called racist?  Dunno, perhaps you need to look in the mirror to answer that question.   If you’re not, then it shouldn’t bother you. 

You haven’t seen any of that behavior coming from our side and if you say you have, you’re flat out lying.   Okay, now you are just being silly.   Allow me to retort with two comments from people you defend.

Just for the hell of it, let me challenge you for a moment. How “diverse” is your site of Zimmerman supporters, Trayvon Martin & Martin Family haters, Natalie Jackson, Crump, Sharpton & Obama haters? (I’d just like to point out that all just named are black)?   Dunno, again pigmentation is not a contingency for fellowship.  I’ve never asked the race of a commentator, and I never intend to.   The discussion is always about behavior, not race.   Natalie Jackson, Benjamin Crump, Al Sharpton et al are part of a professional race-baiting class.   Obama is half white, so couldn’t people just be disagreeing with his white side.   After all, his Mom, “Stanley,” and his maternal grandparents were Communists, open communists.   Their ideology is what I personally disagree with.   That, and the entire construct of the family narrative that’s full of lies….after all, if he had a son…..

It would appear you are the one focused on race.   Essentially, the same mindset that caused Ryan Julison to sell the initial story based on race.  Why is that?

How many different cultures exist in your little treehouse? I’d like to see a poll.   Again, skin color is not a contingency for fellowship, so who cares.  Not me.  Again, you are the one focused on skin color.  Not me.   I’m sure if you take a closer look, you’ll find that Trayvon’s supporters consist of ALL races from across the world. Yes world.   Your point? Most of the world believes Zimmerman is guilty and you would know that if you stepped outside your Treehouse once in awhile.   Funny that.   Media plays a strange role in manipulating the mind of the feeble.

How dare you continue to belittle BigBoi on your site as if he’s your plaything.  From what I can determine BigBoi is a female.    Again, you do this with no chance for rebuttal.  So?   Why does that bother you?   Must your voice be heard in order to make conversation valid?   Newsflash, you are not invited.  Additionally I personally have no interest in your simple-minded immature foot stomping.   Deal. 

Perhaps now you might understand how the Zimmerman family felt watching the narrative spun 24/7 without their feedback given any consideration.   But, nah, then again – your convo’s are one way, your way. 

Must make you feel like a bunch of tough men. You’re daily mission is to scope out tweets and comments and bring them back for assassination. Effin brilliant of you all. The same with Princss6. What is your attraction to her? They are both entitled to their opinion.  No one has ever stated otherwise, of course they are entitled to their opinion.  Likewise we are under no obligation to agree with them.  See how that works?   It’s not a contest.

We believe George Zimmerman is GUILTY and the evidence is showing so.  And we do not.   What’s your point?   What will you and your site to do when he is in PRISON?  Nothing, consequently what would you do if he is released in the immunity hearing?

What would you do if all the various Insurance claims by the Scheme Team were dispatched, shredded and told to go spit?

As for Robert Zimmerman Jr., he is as PATHETIC as the rest of them.   Seems like a nice enough fellow to us.   You know him?

Just as George didn’t make an apology until AFTER an ARREST was made, Robert is 8 months too late with his bullshit apology as well.   Can you speak without cursing?  Profanity appears to be a similarity between just about all the pro-Trayvon contingents.  Why is that?    Do you accept that from your three children?

The ONLY reason he is resorting to this, is because he knows the evidence it piling up against his child molesting, child murdering brother.   ?   Trayvon was 17 hardly a child, and as for the molesting accusation – perhaps you should visit Lake Mary and ask Christina Meza’s circle about that.  If indeed Truth matters to you.   You’ll find a totally divergent story – Including from Christina’s mom and dad.  But, while you bring it up… yeah, where is that story now…. hmmm.  Why would that just “poof” disappear?  Funny that. 

It’s his lame attempt to try and get the public to see George in a better light, and hopes he can reach potential jurors.   No, what opportunity has the Zimmerman family had to present themselves in “any” light?

Well Princss6 was right. The world doesn’t give TWO SHITS about what Robert Zimmerman Jr. has to say.   I disagree, I think you’ll find people quite curious about the NAACP contact within 48 hours.  I think you’ll find people quite curious about why a media consultant would be hired before the police were even asked anything.   Why is that?   Most people don’t hire media consultants?   Unless they have an agenda?    No,  I think Robert is quite capable of handling the decision on his own, and if you don’t care – don’t watch. 

We didn’t care what Oliver had to say, what Taaffe had to say, what Osterman had to say and definitely not what any Zimmerman family member has to say.   Why not?   Oh, yeah, you’ve already got it all figured out.

While your at it, just think about that bunch I named off for a second. ….I know, what a bunch of effin lying idiots right! What a joke they are, and what a joke you and your CTH group is.   Wait a minute, you just asked earlier why your comments are not considered valid or permitted.  Huh?… oh yeah, I forgot, you have a monopoly on definitions.  We should send this diatribe to your kids’ school teachers – Or maybe just publish it, you know to help advance your cause and all….

Thank GOD –do you?  do you really?– this world is only occupied with a small percentage of you brainless, racist bigoted losers. You’re a poison bunch of people.  Angry much?  You carry the same disconnected cognition as many of like-minded similarity.

Deep down you all know George Zimmerman is GUILTY of murdering unarmed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. He shot him in the heart with not a second thought for this childs life. He WILL be judged by a jury of his peers and HE will go to prison.  Actually, I doubt it will reach a jury, my anticipation is the case will be dismissed at the immunity hearing.  But we’ll see.  You’ve already got it figured out – so why don’t you move on to other things that are less certain.

When all is said and done, I’m sure your CTH cult will go on about your daily business, thus finding another depraved lunatic that did YOUR world a favor.  And you live in another?

You’ll find another, just like George, to praise and worship, for getting rid of another black kid that the world doesn’t need. You’ll go on assassinating another child, who had his whole life in front of him, because that what you do and all your site is good for.   Brilliant, OK will do as requested.

Take Princss6′s & BigBoi’s advice, and the rest of ours too. LEAVE TRAYVON MARTIN’S FAMILY ALONE! While you’re at it, grow some effin balls!   Never met them, never bothered them, and if the truth hurts, well, that would be your issue, or theirs, certainly not ours.   Perhaps spend a little time with your children – teaching them the use of mommy’s eloquent verbage.   If you are lucky they will grow up to be just as pure as your Trayvon illusion.
