Given the increased site activity it is apparent we need a re-visit to some basic expectations for comments and content.  I guess you would consider these “rules”:
Do not attack other commenters with personal attacks.   Challenge the argument not the person.   Challenge facts and opinion, but remain respectful at all times (even when annoyed or frustrated).
Do not use profanity to frame your opinion.  It is not needed and diminishes the validity of your opinion.   Consider PG-13 the “rating” for site comment guidelines.
Do not use circular logic when presenting counter positions or counter comments to other person(s) positions.   Stay clearly on point.  Use the Open Thread for any considerations not directly related to the post itself.    Note this is a particular pet peeve of mine.  The quickest way to get dispatched is to engage in circular logic.  It is distracting, takes the conversation off course, and becomes entirely too time-consuming.   It is also the typical approach of “Trolls” or annoying commentators.
Do not hijack discussion threads.  Doing so with constant circular logic arguments will lead to suspension of comment privileges.   Intellectual Dishonesty or failure to accept and recognize the brutally obvious can also lead to the same suspension.
Never attack or disparage a site administrator or moderator.   Doing so will lead to immediate suspension of commenting privileges.    The admins work hard to maintain the Treehouse and the standards of expectations.  Any questions? email the Treehouse for clarification.   (Their avatars are visible on the right side of the page)
Do not use racist language.   This is not a racist site.   The significant issues we face and challenge are not based on “races” or “ethnicities”, they are based on “cultural isms” and divergent “cultural values”.   NOT SKIN COLOR, RACE, or NATIONAL ORIGIN.
If you quote a media source, research article or other web-based notation, for your opinion, then provide the corresponding link as citation to the framework.
Do not feel a counter opinion is not valid.  We welcome challenges presented in respectful and intellectually honest ways.
We seek truth.   If we find evidence counter to the majority view we will post it.   If we make a mistake we will admit it.   If we are wrong we will highlight it.  The Treehouse is a place of welcoming “respectful” opinion of all varieties so long as the basic guidelines outlined above are followed.
If you want to provide anything directly to  the site administrators for consideration you can email the Treehouse at the address provided on the page.   We check email throughout the day but do not expect an immediate response.   We each have Full-Time jobs, and do our best to check in and moderate, but expect some normal delays.
Lastly, please, if you are going to be a frequent commentator, use to get a specific personal picture for an avatar.
Thank you,
