Now the campaign is beginning to take shape, allow me to express what I believe is one of Obama’s biggest vulnerabilities, the non-existent press conferences.
Despite his previous campaign mantra of bringing a new “Transparency” to the White House, the exact opposite has been true for over three years.  Whether avoiding disclosures of White House visitor logs, refusing to open them to FOIA requests, or holding private meetings with staff and key advisors off-site to avoid FOIA exposure, this president has been anything but Transparent.

However, the biggest and perhaps most obvious example of this is the non-existent press conference.   For quite a while many people, myself included, have long advocated for listening instead of talking.   Listen to what they say, ask why, then shut up again?  This strategy takes them off script.  Like most progressives, they have the “what” talking points down pat, and can describe what they want to do, but they rarely can provide the “why” answer, and when they do it is highly revealing. 
Everything about President Obama is scripted, totally scripted, pre-arranged, carefully planned and meticulously strategized.  
Unless something goes wrong, then all of a sudden the narrative sold is ‘that’s what happens because we don’t script’… uh huh. 
Economic Slo-Jamming – A great example of this is the economy.  The White House continually decries with specificity “this was the worst economic collapse in the history of the country”, “even worse statistically than the great depression”.  You still hear this scripted talking point today as an explanation of why such weak to non-existent recovery.   But simultaneously when backed against the wall about the failed stimulus spending, and failed policies not helping, yet spending $1.2 trillion in borrowed money they claim they “did not fully know how bad the problem was”.  ……. uh huh.
But press conferences are an exceptional way to keep the President “off script”, and honest.   Unfortunately even when President Obama has held a press conference, he scripts the responses and stages/plants the questions amid his most trusted media water carriers.   But every once in a while, the truth peeks out from behind the script, and you can actually sense what the objectives, goals, or lack of them, actually are.
If I were advising Mitt Romney I would suggest he begin to lay the hammer to Obama about non holding press conferences.  How many White House dinners compared to how many press conferences? etc.   Just keep hammering Obama about why does he hide, what is there to fear.   Just keep hammering.   
It is a win-win position, because either your message opens minds, or Obama begins to duck the message by engaging in more press conferences, which, as I previously stated are filled with risks for exposure.

(White House Dossier) President Obama has held just one full length, multi-topic, solo press conference in the last six months, effectively abolishing the most accessible venue for American citizens to observe the thinking and learn the views of their leader.
It’s May, and the president has stood for only a single such news conference this year, a March 6 event in the briefing room. He’s had only three since last June, counting a November press conference in Hawaii that was supposed to be devoted to the just-held Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit but which veered off into other issues.
Nor does Obama generally allow questioning during brief appearances at the White House, such as when he makes statements with foreign leaders. Previous presidents, including George W. Bush, routinely took a couple of questions on the topic of the day at such gatherings.  (read more great perspective)
