(WSJ) — The Federal Bureau of Investigation arrested five suspects in the Cleveland area in a sting operation for allegedly plotting a bomb attack on a local bridge, law enforcement officials said Tuesday.

The suspects were self-described anarchists who formed their own group, according to one official. The official said that during the investigation, several of the suspects repeatedly complained that the Occupy Wall Street movement, which had spread to other cities from New York, wasn’t violent enough.  (read more)

Fearful that ordinary people will see how violent and dangerous President Obama’s surrogates and footsoldiers are, Team Obama rushes to Afghanistan and declares a prime time speech to distract attention.

While windows are smashed, police are attacked, and the streets filled with his supporters in rage filled violent behavior, President Obama and the radicals who coordinate the optics do their level best to hide it.

The flight to Afghanistan was strategically and optically timed to provide cover.   The speech from Afghanistan was timed to suck up the media attention.    Control the optics –  Control the narative – Control what people see, know, and pay attention to.

Seattle Story Here
MSNBC coverage here
Chicago here 
