Today is the anniversary of the birth of our smallest and cutest administrator, Ad Rem, otherwise known as Puddy….

Happy birthday Gatina! Buon compleanno al capo di tutti gatti! Enjoy some cake with your coffee. We have plenty!

Actually, we recommend that no one eat any of the first cake above.
It was made by amateurs without the skills of our usual graphic artist, and some art chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer may have been used. So try these others!

As one of our crack Admin team, Puddy’s skillz are surpassed only by her humble attitude of service.

But don’t work too hard today! We got it covered. So find a good hammock in a shady spot, pick out a good book, put on some relaxing music, have your DH bring you a nice glass of California wine, and relax! If you end up catching a few catnaps while you’re there, think nothing of it. You deserve it after the all-nighters pulled on behalf of the treehouse.

Many Treehouse visitors aren’t aware of “Mossad Puddy’s” other covert jobs. It’s true that by day she assumes the identity of a mild-mannered blog administrator covered in gray fur. Make that by night, mostly. Actually, nobody knows what her real working hours are. That’s one of the mysteries of the “Black Paw,” as she’s also known. But even in her regular job, it’s no mystery that she produces some of the most subtle and sublime right-wing journalistic hate-art anywhere in the blogosphere. And when she’s not at her station in front of her 42-inch Mac securely fastened to the upper branches of the Conservative Tree, she’s frequently jetting around the world on secret missions.

Past missions, that are known to us, include the infiltration of Occupooper camps in most of the Continental US during the Fall of 2011, and the assassination of Osama Bin Laden. (Shhhhhh!) Her current mission is classified, but it’s rumored that it involves a high-profile Russian Federation official honey-trap, possibly even Vladimir, himself, during the celebration of “Yuri’s Night,” which is a global party commemorating Yuri Gagarin’s first space flight in 1961. Last year, the date was April 12, but this year it will be celebrated on Saturday, April 14, Puddy’s birthday (today), in order to maximize time to recover from the enormous quantity of vodka that will be consumed.

Puddy can be seen in the photo at left training for the vodka marathon tonight. Since the party is global, whimpy Americans are known to substitute cocktails, like these White Russians (right), for straight vodka. You won’t see that where Puddy’s going!

Another tradition of Yuri’s Night that snares unsuspecting westerners is the ubiquitous T-shirts advertising 5k or 10k runs to honor Yuri’s flight. Savvy Russians know that the only “marathon” has to do with getting through at least 2 bottles of Stoli without humiliating yourself by losing it on the tarmac. This child’s play will not be a stumbling block for Mossad Puddy, who, despite her petite size, has a legendary tolerance for alcohol, most likely developed during her days at UC-Los Gatos.

So, let us all join the Conservative Treehouse staff, up there somewhere in their executive boardroom in the upper branches, in wishing Mossad Puddy, who may or may not be up there, since she has her own private elevator and comes and goes as she wishes, a very happy birthday and glorious success in her latest mission to bring back Russian strategic secrets so that Obama can leak them to benefit the Muslim Brotherhood and hamper Israel! Woot! Woot!!

This blog post is the work of the following talented people: GruntOfMonteCristo, waltzingmtilda, Menagerie, freedom1781 and WeeWeed, with my enthusiastic encouragement! A special thanks to Grunt, who did most of the editing!
