Thanks to the New Media via Free Beacon Blog we must now confirm previous suspicions.   On the aspect of George Zimmerman being a racist the Main Stream Media appears correct.   The evidence is indisputable.


Perhaps it was his inability to pay for his own contraceptive coverage that drove him into a rage against the poor, feeble, mild-mannered and respectful child who became his victim…/SD

(FreeBeacon)  The individual at the center of the controversial Trayvon Martin shooting is a registered Democrat.

George Michael Zimmerman, born Oct. 5, 1983, registered as a Democrat in Seminole County, Fla., in August 2002, according to state voter registration documents.
It is unclear whether he voted for President Barack Obama in 2008.
Some in the media have sought to blame Republican politicians and conservative activists for Martin’s death.
“[Republican politicians] reinforce and validate old stereotypes that associate the poor and welfare as criminal behavior with African-Americans and people of color, calling us lazy, undeserving recipients of public assistance. In the case of Trayvon, those festering stereotypes had lethal consequences,” said MSNBC political analyst and Democratic fundraiser Karen Finney.
According to the document, Zimmerman’s race is officially listed as Hispanic. The son of a white father and Peruvian mother, he has been described as a “white Hispanic” in most media reports. (read more)

Given this latest revelation we can now assume that Mr. Zimmerman, the Democrat, is also an anti-Semite and potentially unable to provide identification in order to vote.   Obviously he no longer speaks for himself neither would he proclaim any constitutional right to bear arms nor expect a balanced budget.
Perhaps it was his inability to pay for his own contraceptive coverage that drove him into a rage against the poor, feeble, mild-mannered and respectful child who became his victim.
Some are speculating that Democrat Mr. Zimmerman might have been processing himself through Post Traumatic Stress as a result of his exposure to Climate Change or Global Warming.   But, more skeptics of this analysis point to unregulated salt intake.
Indeed given the newly acquired information the Department of Justice is expected to launch a new inquiry into whether or not Mr Zimmerman, a Democrat, might have been exposed to Cakes, Sweets, or Transfats.  His current Union Credentials are being researched to see if they provide any clues to whether environmental influences would have led to his outrage.
Right wing blogs were quick to jump on this aspect of the story and are now creating a conspiracy theory that Democrat Mr. Zimmerman might have indeed been a mole or double agent and point to evidence such as gun ownership to back up their claims.
The ultimate goal it appears might have been for Mr. Zimmerman to provide preferential and desired optics to the White House so that President Obama could present himself as grand healer during a Rose Garden statement on the success of his post-racial presidency.   The tentacled strategy within the conspiracy is far to consequential to believe that a lone-wolfe Democrat could have orchestrated such a significant fund-raising opportunity on his own.
So it would appear at some level the support of a highly connected Democrat would have been needed.
In potentially related news, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, DNC party head, is also a representative from the state of Florida and has refused comment citing the inability to speak Spanish, or Ghetto. 
In addition we can confirm an earlier report of a group of Hispanic Cowboy Poets have been spotted headed en masse toward the South, apparently to provide logistical support.
Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and the Congressional Black Caucus will release a statement later today from the foyer of the Ritz Carlton Orlando where they were decompressing from and extraordinarily stressful evening conference.  
According to Democratic strategists the resort had recently run out of mineral water and Mrs. Pelosi was unable to allow the spa staff to wash her hair.  
In addition, a horrific power fluctuation at the resort, potentially created by the presence of 500 staffer Blackberry mobile devices, caused the pressurized spa jets in the Roman Bath tubs to malfunction.  
Alternate arrangements were being negotiated throughout the night into this morning with Hilton Resorts coordinating the most attractive swag packages.   However, no specific confirmations are available at this time.
