And the 12-year-old pictures of a pee wee football playing choir boy to build sympathy is getting a little, well, annoyingly over the top.  Young Mr. Martin was visiting his father after getting suspended from school.  Trayvon was 17 years old when this occurred.  Seventeen.
It might make the optic more appealing, but, sorry Sharpton, I remember the Tawana Brawley fiasco, and even more recently I well remember the Duke Lacrosse players rape case fraud.   Optics are not always reality.

The consistent false drumbeat cries of racism and crime have diminished actionable credibility and unfortunately cast a long shadow of doubt over what could possibly be justified outrage.   Perhaps some folks consider Al Sharpton a strong advocate.   But many more consider him an opportunistic flamboyant Pentecostal preacher who spends $2,000 a year for hair care at Brooklyn’s Prima Donna Beauty Salon and never met a black crime he could not turn into some form of racist inquisition.
It was not that long ago the same network (MSNBC) who has now hired Al Sharpton to host a nightly broadcast was selling another false racist story surrounding a part-time census worker named Bill Sparkman who was found hanged in Kentucky with the word “Feds” written across his chest.
Oh, how the Rachael Maddow’s, Ed Schultz’s and Keith Olberman’s beat that story to death in their efforts to showcase “Southern Racism” and right-wing extremism, night after night, after night.   Only we found out much later Mr. Sparkman killed himself in a $600,000 insurance scam, but MSNBC didn’t showcase that aspect with the same enthusiasm did they?
But they did lay the groundwork for the Sharpton era.
No, Mr. Sharpton, actually when you show up now all possibility of justice, or judicial credibility is considerably diminished.  But you are one of the first to buy a plane ticket to capitalize on the venue.
Whether it’s faux tears for Michael Jackson or showtime at the Apollo with Brawley, all that’s needed is one part black audience, one part media circus, and one part institutionally ingrained white-guilt.   Presto, like an ideological jack-rabbit pulled out of a hat by 2-J’s et al, Sharpton appears.   Always ready to officiate  the racist inquisitions.
“Resist We Much”….
This horrific death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin has a very similar ingredient profile to Tawana Brawley.  All that’s needed is  Alton H. Maddox and C. Vernon Mason to join him, and he can claim everyone from the local police to Florida Governor Rick Scott are engaged in a systemic cover-up.   He can always add Ben Jealous to the crew.
The 8-year-old “stand your ground” Florida gun law is an easy ingredient to add to his mix and he can whip up the institutional leftist media into an all out frenzy.   He knows the routine.

The family of Trayvon Martin joined thousands of demonstrators, who teamed up with Occupy Wall Street, to march across New York City last night to protest the shooting death of the Florida teenager. The “Million Hoodie March,” as it was dubbed, was organized to show support for the Martin family and call for the arrest of the George Zimmerman, the man who shot and killed Martin last month, but has not been charged after claiming self-defense.
Martin’s parents spoke to crowd to thank them for their support and continue to push for charges to be filed against Zimmerman. Martin’s mother Sabrina Fulton told the gathered protesters that “My son is your son.”
Standing back, thinking of all the prior examples of false claims of racist violence, and breathing an odd sigh of relief that Mr. Zimmerman is latino (how flippin’ crazy is that?), one can objectively look at the circumstance.

I don’t know if Mr. Zimmerman had any “intention” when he came across Trayvon, and I certainly cannot see into his heart to determine his motivation.   But, what I do know is the police looked into the entire event and concluded that Mr. Zimmerman did not, repeat did not, violate any laws and acted lawfully to defend himself.
According to police reports Zimmerman had blood coming from the back of his head as well as a bloody nose which, it is claimed, came as a result of an altercation with Trayvon Martin. The police interviewed Zimmerman, interviewed witnesses, and had all manner of audio tapes from the 911 calls at their disposal for review.
With all that evidence in front of them the police determined Mr. Zimmerman acted within his capacity as a lawful citizen, and did not file any charges.
Yes, the entire situation is horrific, a seventeen year old young man is dead.  The incident occurred on February 28th, was subsequently investigated, and Mr. Zimmerman cleared of wrongdoing.   It might be prudent and reasonable to re-investigate the exact circumstances once again, however it is highly doubtful that any substantive change will develop.
Absent of a police cover-up, or botched investigation, the original police decision will stand.   And in the unlikely event that Mr. Zimmerman was charged now, one can only imagine how easy it would be for a defense team to put the original police officers on the stand and have them say they didn’t think it was Zimmerman at fault.
Would any respectable District Attorney put on such a case?
While my heart goes out to the family and friends of young Trayvon Martin, they would be well served to avoid any connection to Al Sharpton lest they find themselves another asterisk in his wikipedia notation as having been Brawley-ized. 
