The one consideration that never made sense to me during the Iraq/Afghanistan anti-war movement was the shere invisibility of the peace movement, who love all things globally connected, marching on the embassies of Iraq to demand compliance with UN weapons inspectors.   The inspection of Iraq weapons capability was specifically agreed upon by Sadam Hussein as part of the cease fire when we kicked his butt out of Kuwait and began moving North.    He agreed to the ceasefire and terms of surrender but then recanted.  The ‘Peace Movement’ totally ignored this provocation. 

This time I once again call attention to the obvious question.   Where is the anti-war movement in protest against the government of Iran seeking nuclear weapons?   Why don’t the Peace Progs stage rallies outside the Iranian embassy demanding they comply with UN resolutions?    These Peace Progs love the UN.  Instead they choose to rail against their own countrymen in the United States and demand “No War On Iran”…..

(PressTV) — Hundreds of demonstrators are gathering in Los Angeles for a “No War on Iran” rally.  Activists are calling for an end to intervention, sanctions, and assassinations.  The protest is part of a National Day of Action.  The call is sponsored by Occupy Los Angeles, along with scores of progressive and anti-war organizations.

Mike Prysner is an Iraq War veteran and an organizer with the Answer Coalition.  Prysner says protesters want to stop America from starting another unauthorized war in the Middle East, similar to what happened in Iraq.  Activists say the war drive is based on U.S. imperialism and a desire to control the resources of the Middle East.

The protestors believe that despite US government’s claims, Iranian people are the main targets of the sanctions.

The National Lawyers Guild was on hand to ensure that the police did not infringe on the protesters’ rights.  Police did detain one person for allegedly blocking traffic, despite several witnesses saying otherwise.  Anti-war activists say they’re encouraged by the momentum provided by Occupy groups across the country.  (Read more)
