It’s really odd how Newt Gingrich is portrayed in the media as “whining” if he mentions the negative onslaught of attacks from Mitt Romney in the primary, yet the same media thinks it’s a horrible smear campaign if those same methods are aimed at Chicago Jesus. 

The Obama-Biden reelection campaign, which just announced it banked $224 million in 2011, is stepping up fundraising as it steels for an expected fall “smear” machine from GOP front-runner Mitt Romney.

In an email to supporters this morning, Obama campaign manager Jim Messina warned that the Republicans will have a fat bank account to tap for negative ads, something both Romney and Newt Gingrich did in Florida.    “They’re going to try to spend and smear their way to the White House,” Messina said about Republican groups and candidates.One more reason not to nominate Mitt Romney is the voter backlash against his personality making Chicago Jesus look like the wounded soldier.   In the most vain of admissions I think the personality of Romney is so toxic and adversarial he really doesn’t stand a chance against Obama.    Romney tries too hard not to look like a construct of himself, and it shows just how shallow and fake he is.

Newt on the other hand, even in his anger has an honesty about himself.  He is what he is, warts and all.

Newt is what he is.  Romney ain’t what he appears to be.
