I think it is kind of unsporting of him to refuse to share. But God wants him to keep it a secret apparently.

Christian leader Pat Robertson is claiming that God gave him insight regarding who America’s next president will be. But the conservative media mogul isn’t willing to name names.

“I think He showed me about the next president, but I‘m not supposed to talk about that so I’ll leave you in the dark — probably just as well — but I think I know who it’s gonna be,” Robertson saidon Tuesday‘s episode of the Christian Broadcast Network’s “700 Club.”

Aside from making this proclamation, he went on to read the message, word-for-word, that he claims to have heard directly from God. Here it is, in full:

Your country will be torn apart by internal stress. A house divided cannot stand. Your president holds a radical view of the direction of your country which is at odds with the majority. Expect chaos and paralysis. Your president holds a view which is at the odds with the majority — it’s a radical view of the future of this country, and so that‘s why we’re having this division. This is a spiritual battle which can only be won by overwhelming prayer. The future of the world is at stake because if America falls, there’s no longer a strong champion of freedom and a champion of the oppressed of the world. There must be an urgent call to prayer.

If true, this would mean that God sees Obama’s views as so radical and out of touch with the American public that they will very literally damage the very fabric of America. It’s a pretty bold statement to be uttering, especially considering that it’s being attributed to God. Read more here. 
