Yesterday I attended my first wake, a fine Irish tradition. This followed a funeral truly meant to celebrate a life well lived, with just exactly the Bible readings you need to hear at a funeral, especially for a loved one. The wake, the food and beverages served, the people in attendance, all served to remind me of the joy the Irish take in life, and how they even manage to bring a smile with them to say goodbye to someone special. In honor of the wonderful character and gifts the Irish bring us, here is your joke and story thread for today. Escape the holiday stress and share a laugh with a friend for a few minutes. 

The three elderly Gallagher sisters have never married, they go everywhere together and they are all hard of hearing. One windy Spring day as they are walking down the streets of Dublin…

Mary Elizabeth says, “Whew, it is sure windy today.”

Molly replies, “No, no. Today is Thursday.”

Kathleen says, “So am I. Let’s find a bar!
