Coincidently on the same day Ron Paul appeared on 9/11 truther Alex Jones radio show, to talk with the same guy who thinks condensation trails left by airplanes are actually some kind of mind control chemical being sprayed on the population by the government.

(The Hill) – Newt Gingrich’s nine-point lead over the GOP field in Iowa is down to one point, and it’s Ron Paul that’s breathing down his neck.

Gingrich is at 22 percent, according to a Public Policy Poll released on Tuesday. He’s followed by Paul at 21 percent, Mitt Romney at 16 percent, Michele Bachmann at 11 percent, Rick Perry at 9 percent, Rick Santorum at 8 percent, Jon Huntsman at 5 percent, and Gary Johnson at 1 percent.

Gingrich’s favorability with Tea Party supporters plummeted this week from 35 percent to 24 percent, bringing his overall favorability down from a lofty 62 percent favorable versus 31 percent unfavorable to only 52 percent favorable versus 40 percent unfavorable.  (read more)
