BigFur does an excellent job of engaging the intellectual reality switch in the “ON” position.

He Doesn’t Sound Progressive To Me – By BigFurHat @iOTW

Yesterday I requested that people list Gingrich progressive policies that have ever become law. I wasn’t looking for things he has said, or places he might have worked as a private citizen, or thoughts he’s expressed as an intellectual compromise.

There was only one taker, and that person listed a co-sponsored bill from 1989, on Global Warming, that went nowhere. Newt is no longer a believer in AGW or it’s “solution”, cap and trade. I am not fearful of Gingrich flip-flopping on this.

The other 2 items listed were not policies, but just talk that the reader had a memory of.  One was talk of healthcare subsidies in 1993. Gingrich, in 2011, vows to dismantle Obamacare. I see no evidence of Gingrich walking back on that promise.

The last item listed was when Newt was in the private sector and said he supported BushCare. This is not part of the Gingrich record. None of what this person listed, including the bi-partisan co-sponsored 1989 bill, is Gingrich policy.

Actually the Gingrich policies we lived with were largely the policies signed into law by Ronaldus Maximus, conservative’s most beloved president. Most of what Reagan ran on in 1984 were ideas that came straight out of Gingrich’s Think Tank group called the Conservative Opportunity Society.

It was Gingrich’s Gang of Seven which was the germination that became the Contract With America which led to knee-capping Bill Clinton in 1994 by winning the house and forcing Clinton to tack center. This was all Newt Gingrich. When progressives say that Clinton balanced the budget and created a surplus they mean Newt Gingrich did those things.

Gingrich famously played a game of chicken with Clinton and the government was shut down. This showdown led to the balanced budget agreement of 1997, and 4 years of balanced budgets followed. This is not a progressive in action. This is a progslayer.

In addition to this, Gingrich in a debate with Obama? I’m willing to roll the dice on Gingrich JUST TO SEE THOSE DEBATES. I’m not officially backing Gingrich, I’m just incredulous at the claim by Glenn Beck and others that Newt Gingrich is a progressive. That’s poppycock.

Also, Politijim calls Newt the Lie and Gotcha Bomb Squad. No politician has more breadth and depth with facts and figures than Newt.  (visit iOTW for more)
