Basic Moonbat Hypocrisy……. (via Moonbattery) You would have thought the one advantage of having the hippies’ choice for president would be that at least he would not bog us down in any more wars. But now our sick joke of a Commander in Chief has attempted to deflect criticism of his lack of leadership by effectively declaring war on Libya.

Despite convincing his supporters that he would quickly get us out of Iraq and Afghanistan, those wars continue, prolonged by absurd rules of engagement. Now we’ve got another front. Meanwhile, we can’t even protect our elected officials from mobs of Mexican colonists because the purpose of our military — to protect America from invasion — goes unfulfilled.

Gaddafi should have been taken out after Lockerbie. But since then he has become less of a threat to us than the Muslim Brotherhood types likely to replace him. If we are going into this to advance American interests and we can afford to pay for it, fine. If it’s because President Urkel wants to keep up with Sarkozy for the sake of his public image, and no attempt will be made to ensure a pro-American Libya, then getting bogged down there is yet another expensive mistake.

Libya does have oil. But then, so do we — oceans of it. If only our government would let us drill it.  Alas, the Arabs have backed away quickly… Europe will not take the lead and is more concerned about ‘face’.  and so here we are again… holding the provbial bag…committed to yet another military offensive, yet this one has ZERO American interests.   /SD
