Keep in mind this is United States Labor Secretary Hilda Solis….

(Politico) — The final day of the Democratic National Committee’s winter meeting turned into an impromptu rally for the public workers of Wisconsin, demonstrating that the standoff over GOP Gov. Scott Walker’s proposed budget has galvanized labor and liberals. “The fight is on,” Labor Secretary Hilda Solis told the closing session of the DNC gathering at the Marriott Wardman Park hotel Saturday morning. “We work together. We help those embattled states right now where public employees are under assault.” 

Solis, a former congresswoman from California, got cheers and multiple standing ovations for her remarks blasting Walker and other Republican governors who seek to weaken government workers’ collective bargaining rights.

“We know many states are facing tough budget decisions,” she said. “We know there’s room for shared sacrifice — shared sacrifice. We’ve seen our brothers and sisters in public employee unions willingly give up their fair share. [. . ]   The governors of Wisconsin and Ohio aren’t just demanding that they tighten their belts, they’re demanding that they give up their uniquely American rights as workers.”

Top labor officials — from Gerald McEntee, president of the government workers’ union AFSCME, to Anna Burger, former secretary-treasurer of the Service Employees International Union — came to the floor to speak in favor of a resolution supporting workers and collective bargaining. (full article)


  • “Elections have consequences” -Barack Obama
  • “They can come along for the ride, but they have to sit in the back” – Barack Obama
  • “I want you to get in their faces” – Barack Obama
  • “The fight is on” – Hilda Solis 

If you apply the Democrat’s methodology to Wisconsin, Scott Walker could say ‘look, elections have consequences, Republicans won Governorship, state house and State Senate – Democrats lost, therefore  instead of hiding out in another state come and sit in the back of the bus while we steer‘.    I mean this is just using their own words in a similar, albeit reverse, ideological  framework right?……….. /SD
