I’ve been watching events in the Middle East with particular attention to Libya, you know “Libya”, the homeland of terrorists, the launching place for attacks against America including the bombing of PanAm 103.  Yeah, that Libya.  The one Ronald Reagan bombed even when France refused to allow us to fly through their air space.  The Libya that “Ghadaffi the Crazy” is in charge of.   The Libya that’s an enemy of the United States. 
And I can’t for the life of me figure out what the heck Obama has been waiting for. While the administration thinks, contemplates, analyzes, considers etc.  Ghadaffi is strafing his people, Americans are stuck, thousands are being killed and absolute terror abounds….
(ABC News) — President Obama said the bloodshed in Libya was “outrageous and unacceptable,” [gee ya think?] but he declined to directly censure Libyan leader Col. Moammar Gadhafi who has been blamed for much of the violent crackdown. “The suffering and bloodshed is outrageous and it is unacceptable, so are threats and orders to shoot peaceful protesters,” [ Ohhh that’ll leave em’ quaking in their clogs]  Obama said in his first televised remarks on the situation in Libya. “These actions violate international norms and every standard of common decency. This violence must stop.”  [ Oh my such strength, now I’m double dog sure they’ll be nicer to each other ]
The president said the Libyan government “has a strong responsibility to refrain from violence” [ a what???? Seriously… ?  ]  and that it must be held accountable, but he stopped short of placing the blame on Gadhafi, Libya’s eccentric dictator who has ruled for 42 years.  [ errr.., who else is in charge over there?… huh ]
Obama said his staff will work with the international community to discuss the volatile situation and the administration is “doing everything we can to protect American citizens,” calling it his “highest priority.”   [*Whiskey*Tango*Foxtrot* ‘discuss the volatile situation’, and ‘do everything we can to protect..’  Seriously, is he wondering if someones fee fee’s will get hurt? ]
No wonder every nutjob in the friggin planet is taking this opportunity to start a fire while the firefighters are in training school.   Oh well, there is always the U.N. right?   This administration is beyond incompetent.  They are so far incompetent the light from competence could never reach them….. EVER.  /SD
