Amid all the hand-wringing, angst and media-driven pundit protestations, one consistent principle remains: ..when it comes to Donald Trump’s intention, media narratives rely upon twisted information.  Today is no different.
clinton-trump-debateThe New York Post kicks off a media cycle by saying “Trump won’t pursue charges against Hillary Clinton“.  That daily headline is driven by a Kellyanne Conway interview on Morning Joe…. and so the narrative charges forth into the bloodstream.
Before we get too caught up in the discussion, it would be wise to remember another time when a similar media narrative began, from the exact same set of players, surrounding Donald Trump reversing his position on illegal alien deportation.
This prior narrative ultimately culminated in a Trump speech in Phoenix Arizona on the day candidate Trump met with Mexican political leadership.  There was no truth to the prior 36 hour narrative.
Within both narrative explosions you find the reason Trump used Steve Bannon to balance out the Kellyanne Conway-ism propensity toward overspeak, combined with media’s intentional use of that overspeak, ie. the sideshow.
President-Elect Donald Trump transparently wants and needs the legislative effort of congress focused on his agenda, his America-First platform.
President Trump does not want his bold advancement mired in the quicksand of DC swamp-water; represented by endlessly divisive and partisan congressional hearings constructed to give professional political party leadership airtime on TV media – and which also, inherently by design, go no-where.

In numerous prior interviews, discussions and debates Donald Trump has openly espoused a negative opinion of the talk-talk-talk agenda in DC without anything actually accomplished.  That’s the essential back drop to understanding how the latest ‘Trump-Forgives-Clinton‘ narrative becomes so easily embedded.
President-Elect Trump wants congress focused on his legislative priorities, not on re-litigating congressional investigations that ultimately go no-where.  There is an actual, non-congressional, law-and-order process in place for investigation of corruption and malfeasance.  That process is driven by the United States Attorney General, and the United Stated Department of Justice.
Corporate media, in addition to endlessly placing more emphasis on themselves than the real issues at hand, enjoy using division to marginalize their ideological opponents. When combined with Conway’s propensity toward over-speak, without specificity toward nuance, the seeds of the narrative are fertilized.

President-Elect Donald Trump has a keen instinct for seeing around corners and understanding how to reach the larger, more important, end destination.
The current objectives of the Trump pre-administration are to assemble the architecture for a law and order presidency.  By design that approach puts the original construct of government back to work for its originally intended purposes.
There continues to be two larger aspects which the media and most pundits conflate.
trump-drain-the-swamp• The Draining of the Swamp, removal of DC corruptocrats, removal of the professional political class, and the restoration of simple, effective, and smaller government is one aspect. • The totality of the America-First domestic economic platform is the second.
There are places where the two larger objectives intersect such as immigration. However, individually each of the larger Trump agenda items needs an entirely different approach.
There is a reason why candidate Trump, now President-Elect Trump took his message directly to the people and immediately understood the inherent problems presented by an ideologically oppositional corporate media clouding/changing his key message. In addition, President-Elect Trump appears keenly aware he will face Obama-led opposition.
All of those who are watching closely would be better served to take all media presentations, interpretations of what she-said-he-said-she-said, with a grain of salt.  Instead, focus further down the line toward the larger objectives of a Trump administration.
Example(s): Look at the people Trump is assigning with the law and order roles to determine his approach to law and order etc.
trump and sessions
Toward domestic security:
Toward international security:
