Scott Adams is a really smart man.  As a wise person he is also adverse to bruising, compound fractures, and anything that potentially removes flesh.  Mr. Adams appreciates his flesh. Skin is not something he favors having penetrated. Skin is a nice thing to have.
As Mr. Adams contemplates the possibilities of his vote amid 2016 presidential politics, he determines it is better to be more like David Souter than Antonin Scalia:
Democrats Civility
[…] So I’ve decided to endorse Hillary Clinton for President, for my personal safety. Trump supporters don’t have any bad feelings about patriotic Americans such as myself, so I’ll be safe from that crowd. But Clinton supporters have convinced me – and here I am being 100% serious – that my safety is at risk if I am seen as supportive of Trump. So I’m taking the safe way out and endorsing Hillary Clinton for president.  (read more)
