NBC is trying to GASLIGHT the California Electorate

Take heart Bernie supporters. Bernie Sanders WILL WIN in California if an honest election is held.  Absent of DNC manipulation Sanders WILL WIN.
How do we know?  Because NBC Pollster, and notorious Hillary Clinton sycophant, Mark Murray, is doing everything possible to try and skew data in an effort to call the race close, and prop up Clinton.  He, and the media outlets which employ him, have a history of this.
2 candidate bernie hillary Potential Electorate
The latest evidence is a necessary skewering of the polled electorate into new categories: “Likely” and “Potential” voters (full pdf below).  This is not the same as registered vs likely, this is a new division intended entirely to aid Dame Hillary.  Beyond transparent.
The official NBC version headlines “Dem Race Tightens in California“, and indeed it is close according to their polled results.  However, the race favors Bernie, not Hillary.

NBC will never allow their “sketchy” polling methodology full sunlight.  Instead they limit the public view to three page overviews of their interpretations.  Here is what they publish:

(Via NBC) Hillary Clinton is clinging to a narrow two-point lead over Bernie Sanders in California ahead of the state’s June 7 primary, according to results from a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist poll.
Clinton gets support from 49 percent of likely Democratic primary voters in the state, while Sanders gets 47 percent, which is within the survey’s statistical margin of error.
And among a wider electorate of all potential Democratic voters in California, Sanders is actually ahead by one point, 48 percent to 47 percent. (link)

But notice they never define how they draw a distinction between “Likely” and “Potential” other than to say “among a wider electorate“.  Take heart Bernie Supporters, the race is not as close as these published results are proclaiming.
The important factor is the GET OUT THE VOTE part.
Here’s the full poll data.  Well, actually, the recap of the poll data:
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