Against the backdrop of increasingly transparent collapse in support for candidate Hillary Clinton, the machine quickly organized her water-carrying media team to coordinate a media strategy more favorable to her anointment.
She will NOT be denied !
fatal attractionhillary clinton entitled
George Stephanopolous would have been too obvious, even the Clinton’s have limits; so the ever reliable democrat media operative, Clinton New Network’s Chris Cuomo, was flown to Chicago for an exclusive interview.

[…]  “I will be the nominee for my party, Chris. That is already done in effect. There is no way I won’t be,” the former first lady told CNN’s Chris Cuomo.

Clinton called her delegate lead over rival Bernie Sanders “insurmountable” and said she expects him to unite behind her and rally his supporters to take on Donald Trump once she clinches the nomination. –link

Meanwhile back in Washington DC the Clinton Machine is working earnestly behind closed doors to coordinate a plan to destroy Bernie Sanders.

The lawmakers met in a closed-door session days after Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) was shouted down at the Nevada Democratic convention, an incident that shook Democrats and raised fears about a chaotic fight at the party’s upcoming national convention that might cost the party the White House.

Democrats in the room decided the best course would be to let Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid (Nev.) handle the delicate task of talking to Sanders about the increasingly negative tone of supporters of his presidential bid, according to sources familiar with what happened at the meeting.

“I’m leaving it up to Reid. That’s what the caucus did yesterday. We said he would be the lead on it,” said one Democratic senator. “There was some suggestion that we would all make calls. And everybody said the best idea is to let the leader handle it.”

A senior Democratic aide said that thinking reflects an acknowledgement among the senators that Reid is the one member of the caucus who “has an actual relationship with him.”  (Link)

Nice life you’ve got there Bernie, it’d be a shame if something happened to it !

