To find your polling location you can use these resource links:

Within each of the links above there are resources, phone numbers, polling locations and times, and other state specific information you may find useful.

donald trump super tuesday 2

Critical aspects to remember on Super Tuesday 2:

  • VOTE – If you are in one of the states voting today, tune out the media, tune out the messaging, it is critical to vote.  JUST VOTE.  Take friends and family, ask neighbors of they need a ride; gently remind people.  GOTV is key, vote.
  • Stay Positive – Plan on seeing exceptionally high levels of media distortion in broadcast, on-line and social media messaging.    Remember, detach emotionally and keep moving forward psychologically toward the goal.  “Resolve”, not “Reaction”.
  • Ignore “exit polling”, or predictive media “turnout modeling” –  While it might make good conversation, the corporate media -writ large- have a vested interest in this election outcome too.   Filter information, don’t be a funnel.

We’ll put up clean threads at noon and 4pm for you to share first-hand ground reports, and local information that is factually known to you.
