Mark Steyn was on Greta Van Sustern last night and delivered one of the more resoundingly common sense recaps of the entire days’ media and political insanity:

Mark Steyn website here – The last segment where Steyn points out the nonsense from the Obama administration is 100% spot on.  Unfortunately, almost every GOP candidate pounced into the furor surrounding Trump’s profoundly reasonable proposition.

The issue boils down to:


….”Not all Muslims are Jihadists, but all Jihadists are Muslim”….

If the FBI, DHS and various national security apparatus cannot differentiate the dangerous Muslim from the non-dangerous Muslim, which every department head has recently admitted they cannot, then Trump’s position to pause all Muslim immigration is exponentially more reasonable.

And every GOP candidate, sans Cruz, fell into the trap of opposition to Trump simply because they were caught up in their own historical and internal reference points.    Had they paused and thought it through – they could have avoided running into the arms of the leftist media and alignment with President Obama.

Now they’re stuck.  Specifically because they all had a knee-jerk reaction, all the favored GOPe dolts are stuck on the wrong side of the trench.   The Trench now filled with exponentially explosive fuel from an increasingly frustrated national electorate who view Trump’s proposal as prudent and vigilant.

Candidate Donald Trump is literally standing alone with 75-80% of the electorate with him….

trump poll muslim

….. and once again, Trump’s twirling his Zippo.


Trump just won the primary !
