*Update w/correction* Potus signatory timeline is 60 days, congressional debate has 90 days.

This is important and those who understand the TPP deal need to begin pressuring your congress creeps immediately.   President Obama has delivered the required “Notice of Intent” letter to congress.

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The White House is legally bound to tell congress they intend to enter into a trade-deal.  Obama has just made the text available to the public. In 60 days he can sign the agreement and send trade agreement to Congress for debate, vote and approval.  Congress is allowed 90 days for debate after presidential signature.  The letter below officially starts the clock.

President Obama is hoping to use Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year holidays as strategic tools to run out the clock on any efforts to provide WH pushback on the anti-American deal:

[scribd id=288666411 key=key-0sW7oxICnVjmRbvXdFn1 mode=scroll]

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There are TRILLIONS of dollars at stake for the Wall Street Globalists.   40% of all global manufacturing is covered in this multi-national trade deal.

Tom Donohue and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce have spent $20+ million lobbying congress to insure passage of this anti-American deal.  The Chamber of Commerce was the U.S. entity with the majority of influence in actually negotiating this trade deal.

All of the CoC election efforts in 2012, 2013, and 2014 were strategically done from a position of reaching this point where they can insure the TPP deal passes.  Again, there are trillions at stake.

All of the current antagonism within the grass roots and establishment republican party can be traced to divergences over this trade deal.   The GOPe have been paid by Wall Street, through K-Street to deliver it.   That’s why Mitch McConnell and John Boehner and Paul Ryan changed the rules for passage in June (Fast Track Trade Authority) lowering the threshold for approval to a simple majority.

Obviously Obama thinks it’s more strategically beneficial to use the end of year holidays to provide cover and get his aspect of the deal signed – this then throws the hot potato to congress; his end no longer an issue the debate changes to congress and the Presidential Primary race.

Donald Trump is the only candidate, so far, out front of this deal speaking publicly against it.   Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, Carly Fiorina et al (all the GOPe candidates, who are also purchased by Wall Street Inc.) support it.

All of the GOPe Super-PACs also support it.

Eyes wide open….

King Obama the law is what I say it is

……. The Clock Has Started
