Monmouth University has a new poll of New Hampshire (full pdf below). Jeb Bush spent $6+ million only to see his numbers Trumped even further.  However, don’t underestimate the influence of the structural advantages retained by Bush; Jeb will never drop out.  

For now John Kasich and Marco Rubio are winning the NE white wine spritzer crowd (2nd tier country club community); and this is the poll result the media need to advance the corporate media Rubio-surging narrative.

West Long Branch, NJ – Donald Trump maintains his sizable lead in the New Hampshire Republican primary and Ben Carson holds onto second place, but the latest Monmouth University Poll has found a new occupant in the 3rd place slot – Marco Rubio.


GOP primary voters are also unhappy with the recent budget deal reached by Congress, and their ire is directed at both parties. One-in-four (26%) likely GOP primary voters in New Hampshire continue to back Donald Trump for the presidential nomination.

Ben Carson (16%) places second and Marco Rubio (13%) comes in third, followed closely by John Kasich (11%). Other contenders include Ted Cruz (9%), Jeb Bush (7%), Carly Fiorina (5%), Chris Christie (5%), and Rand Paul (3%). None of the other six candidates included in the poll registers higher than 1%.

Historical Polling

monmouth university trendline Nov

Worth noting while MSM will push this polling result as a Rubio Surge, PPP polling had Marco Rubio in this statistical position prior to the debate (weeks ago):

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