At the beginning of last month we sharedThere is an expression:

“I will leave you naked before your enemies”…

A proactive assertion essentially stating: if you chose to engage in war with me – not only do I promise your defeat against my interests, but I will lay you open to exposure from all adversaries – who will then take advantage of your new vulnerability.


Presidential Candidate Donald Trump is doing a remarkable job filling the role behind this proclamation. In a seismic political shift Trump has gone far beyond drawing a line in the sand. He has openly dug a trench on his pre-selected battle space within conservative encampments.

Without any apology or hidden motive, he has filled the trench with a highly explosive electorate fuel (the result from years of Republican lies and deceit) and he is openly standing behind his formation twirling a Zippo while looking toward the deceivers.

As a direct result of this approach the enemy inside the wire is being forced to expose themselves. The various “Robert’s-The Bruce”, per se’, are in a precarious position of attacking -in vain effort to retain the necessary ruse- however, consequently exposing their alignment with usurping powers of Machiavellian intent. (link)

Three days ago Speaker of the House John Boehner announces his stepping-down and no-longer running for office.
Now today, this shows up (notice too it’s published in National Review):

Where the HECK was this 10 months ago?
Too Little, Much Too late:
Tea Party Recon

Fix Bayonets ! 

“You don’t win a war by dying for your country.  You win a war by making the other bastard die for his” !  ~ Patton


