Beyond the previous examples of DC’s chattering class punditry: George Will, Charles Krauthammer, Stephen Hayes, Dana Perino, Charles Lane, Bill Kristol et al, and their on-air splodey head moments -which are continuing with the speed of an interstate covered in bubble wrap- we now have the paid GOP consultant class joining them.
megyn kelly faint
GOP political consultant Rick Wilson has been in a highly visible war of words with over the website’s editorial support for GOP candidate Donald Trump.
Wilson said on CNN that approximately 25% of Republicans were “low information voters”, a disparaging statement in line with the recent proclamations of FOX’s George Will.   Breitbart.Com along with a few other conservative sites, wrote a response suggesting that antagonizing such voters is not how the GOP would win elections.
However, Wilson’s protestations reached exponential levels of pearl-clutching anxiety when he began making the insufferable ridiculous claim that Trump supporters were sending rape threats towards his daughter.
The absurdity of the GOPe professional consulting class was/is laughable – because it reflects the apoplectic reaction from the advance of the “Vulgarians”.

Ann Coulter joined in by directing her Twitter followers to the article on the Breitbart site which showcased the absurd reaction from the chattering class.

And then this happened:

rick Wilson( Via Instapundit ) […]   GOP establishment is trying so hard to discredit Trump that they don’t seem to realize that they are angering a large portion of their own constituency, which is hungering for leadership and a willingness to openly defy P.C. norms. To paraphrase Hamlet, me thinks they dost protest too much, and it is beginning to backfire on them and cause them to take openly hypocritical positions.
Indeed, they are now taking the position that deporting illegal immigrants is wrong. Oh, how the establishment loves to talk tough on immigration when it suits its purposes of ginning up conservatives on election day. But when a candidate comes along who actually wants to do something about the issue–and isn’t afraid to defy political correctness to do so–the GOP establishment suddenly cries foul, and brands him a fool, dictator, or police state zealot. The necessary implication is that the GOP establishment is all hat, no cattle on immigration.
No wonder increasing numbers of those who self-identify as Republican now openly abhor the party, and it totters on the brink of implosion. (link)
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