Only the politically naïve didn’t see this coming. The liberal outlet “The Daily Beast” begins to attack Donald Trump personally, through a method of hiding behind citations in old books and manipulating content/context delivery to attack their target.

The Daily Beast takes this very specific and very strategic approach because references to the statements/opinions of others  allows them to avoid libel and legal accountability.

Daily Beast screenshot

(Screenshot Daily Beast 8:57pm 7/27/15)

For over a decade the political progressive news machine has finely tuned this attack approach. They do this by citing “according to“, such as in this example:

[…] What followed was a “violent assault,” according to Lost Tycoon.

Or they’ll use “the author writes“, and interplay it’s use in the written paragraph:

[…] Then he jams his penis inside her for the first time in more than sixteen months. Ivana is terrified … It is a violent assault,” Hurt writes.

The salacious attack method is very familiar. See just about every presentation of Sarah Palin’s story, who, much like Trump, was similarly viewed as a risk, a threat to the Democrat and Republican progressive cause. Isolate – Ridicule – Marginalize; wash, rinse and repeat.

Once the outlet has you responding to their accusations, then they turn up the emotional temperature trying to get you to say something that solidifies the angry disposition they are creating in the substance of the attack piece itself.

This baiting approach is the media manufacturing a self-fulfilling prophecy.

In the current example the editorial joust pivots to emphasize the response from Trump’s attorney, Michael Cohen, when the Daily Beast calls and asks him to respond to the accusations of “rape”.

[…] Michael Cohen, special counsel at The Trump Organization, defended his boss, saying, “You’re talking about the front-runner for the GOP, presidential candidate, as well as private individual who never raped anybody. And, of course, understand that by the very definition, you can’t rape your spouse.”

“It is true,” Cohen added. “You cannot rape your spouse. And there’s very clear case law.”

Once they’ve got you on your heels responding, now the Daily Beast authors and editors get to cut and paste recorded statements from the angry attorney in whatever alignment and structure befits the ideological intent behind the attack as being assembled. You can see how it’s clearly used in the full and carefully constructed context of the article as written.

The narration is then continued using interplay of “according to“, or “as written in“, and so forth. Example:

“It’s obviously false,” Donald Trump said of the accusation in 1993, according to Newsday. “It’s incorrect and done by a guy without much talent…

The reason the Daily Beast structures the attack with direct quotes toward previously outlined articles and publications, is solely because they don’t want to be sued by Donald Trump for saying it.  It is an insufferable characteristic of low ethic outlets.

Think about it.

If you want to write an article directly challenging someone, framing opinion, or presenting what you assert to be as fact, then why don’t you write an article directly challenging, providing opinion, or asserting your own interpretation of fact?

The answer is simple.  The use of “other-people-say”, and ‘outlines-written-by-others’, is evidence of the lack of standing for your own presentation, and risk management in the exhibition thereof.

The Daily Beast finishes off the attack with the typical “wha? who?… me?” approach, as they try to distance themselves from the brutally biased article they have just presented.

[…] Whether Trump’s comments about rape—or the accusation of assault from his ex-wife—will hurt his burgeoning political career is an open question. So far, Trump has been able to shake off the sorts of scandals that would destroy any other campaign for president. Dissing Mexican immigrants and prisoners of war has not cost him his campaign, nor has his history of giving to Democratic campaigns. In the latest CNN poll, Trump leads all other candidates in the Republican presidential field, with 18 percent support. (link)

The Daily Beast has now chummed the water.  Now they wait.

They wait to see if the rest of their ideological co-horts will pick up the story, add their own message, write their own stories based on the Daily Beast article, and thereby stimulate the conversation.

If the collective media can whip up that conversation enough, they then turn to the other candidates with their ‘if you support Trump you’re a rapist/bigot/sexist etc’ approach.

The only way to combat this nonsense is to understand the motive of the entity, in this case The Daily Beast, who are creating the crisis to feed their comrades and ultimately steer public opinion.

This level of institutionalized bias and transparent political agenda is exactly why 80%+ of the general U.S. population can’t stand the U.S. media.

mainstream media bumper sticker

