…”don’t give me no look”

brianna 1As the story is told An 11-year-old Florida girl was suspended from school after she recorded her fifth-grade teacher threatening and bullying other students. The evidence Brianna Cooper recorded was enough to get the teacher fired from Samuel Gaines Academy in Fort Pierce, about two hours north of Miami. But administrators say it was also enough to earn the student a five-day suspension.

After all, they [the principal] claimed, the teacher, had an expectation of privacy in the classroom.  (link)

Which leads to the question, since when is a public school teacher, giving public instruction, to an entire classroom of students, having “an expectation of privacy”? Or is there something else to the story….

Neither the media, nor the school, will identify the teacher. However, the teacher was fired. Rut roh. Oh, how this is starting to sound awfully PC.

Then, when you read a transcript of the teacher’s diatribe, you begin to connect the dots:

“Don’t let size fool you. I will drop you. …You don’t know me, that’s all I’m saying. So, don’t give me no look.”

“You’re the biggest kid in 5th grade and you’re acting like the smallest one. I wonder what your mom looks like.”

Hmmm… By now you’re probably connecting the dots.

Read the full story and listen to the actual audio. HERE.


‘Gnome sayin’?  You decide.
